What Happened?

259 16 3

This is jumping back to 'Chaotic' in terms of setting/time.

As soon as Red passed out, he tipped over to the side, beginning to fall over, though Toriel was quick enough to catch him before he hit the ground.

She sighed, muttering, "Poor thing..." the words made Classic flinch, as he was the one who caused all that damage. It didn't feel right and didn't sit well with him. Toriel then turned towards Classic, with Red still in her arms. She reached her free hand forward, touching Classic's head carefully, green magic spreading throughout his body. He had to admit, it did hurt some since he felt his concussion literally being sucked out of his head. It felt... weird, to say the least. Toriel's eyes were fixated on Classic, looking over him inch by inch, examining him, trying to piece the puzzle together. 

What happened to them? Why were they so injured? Did something happen in Snowdin? 

Those sorts of questions raced through her mind repeatedly. Though, Classic didn't look well and was probably too worn out to explain it to her. She could understand that much, at least. 

But, she couldn't help herself, "What... Happened?" Her voice was nervous and unsure, and in turn, a noticeable flinch came from Classic. Toriel took a mental note of that, and sighed, looking down while continuing to heal Classic.

A few minutes of silence later, Toriel took her hand away from Classic and stood up carefully, Red still in her arms as she headed to the kitchen. Classic raised a brow, confused, but his confusion was relieved when she came back with a med kit She then sat in front of Classic, setting Red in her lap and the first aid kit on the ground. She opened the kit and took out bandages, ranging from wraps to stick-ons, along with bandage tape. She took a few of the bandages and put them over Classic's small wounds. She then grabbed him by the shoulders, taking him by surprise and turning him around, examining his head wound. She inhaled sharply, eyes narrowing at the sight; it didn't look good. A small portion of his skull was broken in; dented. It looked painful. She gulped before grabbing a wrap, cutting it into a large rectangle.

"This.. may hurt a bit," Toriel cautioned, her voice faltering slightly as she put the bandage wrap over the broken parts of his skull. Classic winced and squeezed his eyes shut at the contact, it hurt a lot more than he had initally expected. "Sorry..." Toriel muttered, taking some of the tape and sticking it on and over the bandage, creating a seal of sorts.

"There we are," She smiled weakly, she didn't like to see her friends hurt like this; or anyone, for that matter. "It will take a while for the... more serious wounds to heal. But my magic is still working through your body, so it won't take too long... maybe a day or two." Classic instinctively pulled up his HP; 


He turned around to face Toriel and sighed, smiling slightly, "thanks, tori," he paused for a moment before continuing, "i'm sorry... about all of this." He put his hand to his head and squeezed his eyes shut, clearly distressed. 

Toriel pursed her lips together for a moment before looking away from Classic, sighing, "You have a lot of explaining to do, Sans." Classic slowly nodded, dropping his hand away from his head. Toriel grabbed the med kit and lifted Red off of her lap before standing up, "I'm going to finish healing him in the spare room, you stay put." Classic simply nodded again and did as Toriel asked, and stayed put, standing beside the table awkwardly, like a child that had gotten into trouble.

Toriel carried Red to the spare room and turned on the lamp near the bed, though the light was brighter than she thought, so she turned it off as soon as she turned it on. She sighed, eventually setting Red on the bed and setting the med kit on the floor. She opened it and then took a quick look at his HP;

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