The Aftermath

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The procedure took a lot longer than expected, however, the results were almost nothing but positive. There were a few bumps here and there, however, in the end, it was almost flawless. Red's skull was fixed. Though, there were cracks left over, as it was almost impossible to make his skull look the way it was before the incident. During the procedure, Toriel found the reason for Red's eye going out of control; There was a magic inbalance. He had quite a lot of magic built up, and in the moment of his rage, there was finally an opening, even though it hurt his body more than helped it. The reason why he had magic built up is unknown, but Toriel was thinking it was due to emotional stress, and that could potentially be why it happened. Other than that, it's still a puzzle.

"thanks again, tori!" Classic called, the two small skeletons on their way out of Toriel's home. 

Classic elbowed Red in the ribs lightly, "ow-! oh, uh, yeah... thanks." Red grumbled lightly, glaring at Classic. 

Toriel nodded, smiling, "Any time, my friends! It was nice having you two over." 

yeah, right... Red thought, making him close his eye and look down, shaking his head.

"yeah, thanks for having us, tori, 'means a lot. 'specially to red, here." 

While Red was still in thought, Classic elbowed Red again, making him look back up before exclaiming, "o-oh, uh yeah-w-what he said." Classic stared at Red with a complex look before facepalming.

Toriel giggled, putting her hand up to her mouth, "Ah, Red was busy in thought, it seems."

"that it does seem," Classic sighed, can't helping but having a smile creep up to his mouth whilst shaking his head. "anywho," Classic patted Red's back, startling him before continuing, "we ought to get goin', this one here needs to catch up on sleep, and we need to check on paps."

"Ah, that's right! Please do tell Papyrus I said hello." Toriel smiled warmly while she watched the two skeletons off. "Get home safe!" She called, waving her hand, Classic, waving back before walking down the stairs to the large doors.

The two skeleton's walked in silence before Red spoke up, grumbling, "can't we just teleport?" Classic looked over at Red, the left side of his face covered with bandages.

"ah, yeah, i guess. you're probably tired, after all." Classic sighed before grabbing Red's hand, making Red jump in surprise. Classic's left eye flashed blue before the two of them disappeared from the Ruins.

The two of them appeared in front of the house in Snowdin within a blink of an eye. 

Red put a hand to his forehead, squeezing his eye shut before groaning, "jeez, at least warn me when you're gonna do that..." 

Classic looked over at Red, who looked nauseous, "woah, you okay?" Classic's eyes narrowed before he opened the door, "uhm, let's just go inside and let you go to bed, okay?" Red put a hand to his mouth before nodding lightly, both of them walking inside. The two smaller skeletons were greeted with shouting, making the two of them jump slightly.

"WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?! I READ THE NOTE BUT I DID NOT EXPECT YOU TWO TO BE GONE FOR SO LONG!" Papyrus yelled, anxiety filling his loud voice.

"ah-not so loud, paps... red's not feelin' too well at the moment..." Classic sighed before looking at Red, a nausea-filled expression giving way.

"OH-Oh, sorry. Hey, wait! What's on Red's eyesocket? Oh! Wait! Did you two go to see Toriel to get him fixed up?! Is that it, is that it?!" Papyrus couldn't help but have his voice raise from his excitement and anxiety.

Classic nodded, "yeah, i'mma have red go to bed, i'll tell you all about it once i come back down, okay?" Papyrus nodded quickly, the two small skeletons heading up the stairs, not caring to take their shoes off.

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