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Papyrus silently walked back to the house with Classic in his arms, his eyes fixated ahead of him. He felt all sorts of emotions inside of him; anger, shame, anxiety, guilt... the list could go on. 

The training with Undyne did help; while he was there, anyways... but as soon as he went back, he felt upset all over again. He hated to admit it, but Classic made his mood drop; especially when he's in this trashed of a state. He wished he could just put Classic in his room and leave it at that. He wished he could curse Red out for leaving, and making Classic like this. He wished he could just scream, yell at Classic to stop drinking. But he knew he couldn't; he couldn't do any of it. He knew he had to be the foundation; he knew the moment he let himself slip up, everything else would crumble with him. It felt unfair, but... someone has to do it.

Once at home, Papyrus quietly stepped up the stairs and headed to Classic's room, Classic still sound asleep in his arms. Papyrus set Classic down on his bed and proceeded to take his slippers off, along with his sweatshirt. He already knew Classic was going to throw up later- it's better to have all of the looser clothing off beforehand. Papyrus grit his teeth before he folded Classic's sweatshirt and put it on his drawer, still holding onto his slippers. He set the slippers down at the side of his bed before grabbing the covers and tucking Classic in. Papyrus put his hand on Classic's forehead and narrowed his eyes; he had a fever; not like he wasn't expecting that. He sighed once again before withdrawing his hand, turning his heel, and heading out of his brother's room. He closed the door slightly before heading downstairs, heading for the kitchen. He grabbed a cup and then put it under the sink faucet before turning it on, filling the cup with water. After filling the cup, he turned the faucet off and then opened the sink cabinet to grab a bucket. Luckily, no dogs were in there. He closed the cabinet and immediately headed back to Classic's room, making sure to walk quietly. 

Papyrus walked inside Classic's room once again and then set the bucket next to his bedside, and the cup of water on his nightstand. With that, he headed back out, closing the door just enough to leave a small crack. Papyrus then walked back downstairs and then sat on the couch, letting himself sink into it; he was exhausted. He took out his phone and could only sigh; it was late afternoon- a little past 4 pm. He set his phone beside him and leaned his head back, putting his hands over his face. Dropping his hands down, he picked up his phone and got up from the couch. He needed to preoccupy himself. So, instead of just sitting around, he decides to get some housework done. He ties an apron around his body and begins to clean, starting from the kitchen.

Classic slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurry and disoriented. He slowly sat up, and immediately covered his mouth; he was about to vomit. He fumbled out of bed and kicked the bucket that was next to his bed, bringing his attention to that. He immediately grabbed the bucket and gagged, all of the alcohol he consumed hours earlier coming up. It didn't take long for Papyrus to walk into his room, the light from the hallway illuminating the room. Papyrus sighed quietly before walking up to Classic, kneeling down next to him and rubbing his back, making him throw up once again. This continued until Classic couldn't throw up anymore. Papyrus leaned over Classic and grabbed the water that was on his nightstand before handing him the glass. 

"Drink some water, brother. You need to stay hydrated," Papyrus directed, his voice hushed. Without hesitating, Classic shakily took the glass and sipped on the water, his stomach already churning once again. He swallowed hard in an attempt to not throw up again, but to no avail; the water came up as soon as it went down.

"fuck-" Classic glowered, his eye lights flickering in correspondence to his current state. Papyrus tensed up at Classic's swearing and silently shook his head in disapproval. 

"Let's just lay down for now..." Papyrus suggests before getting back up onto his feet and helping Classic up onto his. Classic's knees buckle slightly as he stands, making him falter for a moment. Papyrus holds onto Classic as he guides him to his bed, making slow and gentle movements. 

A Painful Love (KUSTARD SANSCEST)Where stories live. Discover now