Back to Square One.

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It took a minute to register what had happened, but soon, Red accepted the reality-the reality that he had come back to his universe; Underfell.

As soon as he appeared, he appeared in the same position he was in before he left; Laying on the ground. He sat up, putting a hand to his head, the same booming headache from before still there-but possibly worse. It was as if he could feel the same pain in his eye from before... he hated it. He then got up onto his feet, feeling a little dizzy at first, though, for a short time. He grabbed the bandages that wrapped around his hand and tore them off, tossing them onto the ground, even though, they were bloodied. He already knew that if you were seen with bandages of any sort, you're seen as a weaker monster. He knew that all too well. There was a time when he had a simple bandage on his cheek from a previous fight and right away, monsters started to laugh at him, and more fights broke out because of it. 

It was stupid.

He felt the back of his head, then checking his hand to see if he was bleeding, and sure enough, he was bleeding again-probably from him aggressively ripping the bandages off. He let out an aggravated sigh before checking his HP, he was still at full health, which was strange. He picked the bandages from off the ground and put them behind his head, dabbing the wound in attempt to stop the blood.

He stood there for a few minutes before taking the bandage off and feeling it with his free hand to check for blood. This time, he was good-he had stopped the blood. He let out a sigh, his bones ached from the healing and the previous fight he had with Classic. He shivered. He took a deep breath, calming himself down-he had softened up when he was in Undertale... no good. He had to get his tough demeanor back-and quick. He zipped up his sweatshirt before shoving his hands into his pockets, heading in the direction of Snowdin. Though, the one question that echoed repeatedly in his mind was, 

"how am i gonna face boss?"

He didn't know-at least, not yet. He was pretty sure it'd come to him once he got close enough, but for now, he had time to think things through. However, since the timezones are completely flipped, it was actually 2ish in the afternoon, rather than in the morning. He heard the familiar screaming and the sound of magic conjuring in the distance-it had been too quiet back in Undertale since the sounds gave him shivers. It had been about a month and a few weeks since he had come back to Underfell. 

He blinked a few times, looking down with a quizzical look, had it really been that long? Red thought, still walking forward. He simply shook his head, dismissing the thought since it didn't matter-he's back, isn't he?

After a long walk, he finally made it to Snowdin-the familiar, damaged sign coming into sight as he neared closer. He knew around this time Boss would be patrolling and having his daily argument with Undyne in Waterfall and wouldn't come back to Snowdin until around 4 pm. Though, since he had been gone for a while, he wouldn't know if the schedule had changed because of his absence. He shrugged the thought off, continuing his walk forward, and immediately, almost all of the screaming and commotion zeroed out-all eyes were on him. Some looked surprised, while others looked pissed off that he had come back and then the small few who looked nervous. 

He clicked his tongue in annoyance, continuing his walk forward until some monsters called out mockingly, "Where have you been, plaything?"

Ah, memories.

He grit his teeth as he grinned angrily, closing his eyes while he took a deep breath.

Without looking back, Red snapped, "i ain't your plaything, dipshit." raising his hand in the air, flipping the monsters off as he continued his walk to his house. Some chuckles and growls emerged from Red's reply, but soon, quick footsteps were heard behind him. Red turned around, his eye immediately flashing crimson red as he teleported backwards. The monster who called to him before charged him; Great way to get warmed up, ya' know? Irritated, he summoned his bones, not wasting time in sending them flying towards the monster. The monster cursed as they tried to dodge, but failed. They were impaled repeatedly until they were turned to dust. Unfortunately, instead of it taming the crowd, it only made them rowdier. Monsters charged at Red in large numbers, soon surrounding him. Red snarled under his breath before summoning some gaster blasters around the crowd surrounding him, sparing no time in setting them off. Monsters left and right turned to dust around him, polluting the once fresh air. Sweating, he teleported backward, away from the crowd just to send bones flying in their direction; More dust. 

Suddenly, a monster grabbed Red from behind, putting a knife up to his neck, laughing, "Looks like your stuck now, huh?" Red's eye lights disappeared as he summoned a bone into his hand, stabbing the monster.

"don't touch me," he said lowly, the monster dropping to the ground, screaming. He turned around and stepped on the monster's head, "stop fuckin' whining, piece of shit." He turned his head around to look at the monsters behind him before saying, "watch closely, will ya'?" His low monotone voice sending shivers down some of the monsters' spines. He slowly added pressure to the monster's head before lifting his foot up and smashing the monster's head in; The monster turned to dust immediately. He kept eye contact with the monsters behind him the whole time, the loud wet crunch sound getting to some of them, making them gag. "we done now?" Red asked, some of the monsters immediately backing up and running away, while others simply backed up some. Red clicked his tongue before snapping his finger, all of his attacks vanishing while he shoved his hands in his pockets, continuing his walk to his house. Since the attack was in front of the Inn, he was nearly halfway home. The rest of the walk home was quiet, which was good for his headache that had only gotten worse. He let out a small sigh, closing his eyes momentarily before walking passed Chillby's, instinctively looking at the building as he walked by. As he walked by, he could see Chillby wiping down the counters through the window, which brought back some memories; He couldn't help but chuckle.

Finally, he made it home. He gazed at the house, and it still looked the same. He sighed softly before grabbing the doorknob and turning it, opening the door. He stepped inside the house and closed the door behind him-everything still looked the same... so far. He immediately went up to his room and opened the door. His eyes narrowed but quickly widened into a surprised gaze; His room was clean. He blinked a few times before stepping inside, looking around the room. Was he in the right room..? His tornado of mess was gone, his mattress actually had sheets on them, his treadmill was no longer in the middle of the room, and his room was practically spotless. No bloodstains, no mess stains, nothing.

Just what happened here?

He then started to search around his room, confused and slightly complexed. Did Boss do this? No, he couldn't have... could he? He lifted his mattress, nothing underneath. He looked in his drawers, everything was in order and sorted. His 'brows' became knit together as his eyes narrowed before he walked back to his mattress and tore the sheets off.

He had gotten a new mattress, too.

His expression went blank as he stared at the new mattress-all of his... 'stuff' was hidden inside that mattress. He gulped nervously as he felt himself start to panic slightly-his pocket knife-his razors-they were gone-all gone! He grit his teeth before inhaling sharply, his bones rattling slightly. Before things escalated, he tried to calm himself down-besides, they were just objects-they can be replaced. He reassured himself as he nodded, closing his eyes and taking another breath. He put his hand on his head-a nap would be great... however, he wasn't sure if it would be safe to go to bed now. Especially since Boss didn't even know he was there, rather, he didn't even know if he was alive. He rubbed his tired eyes before exiting the room, as he decided to have a look around the Underground-he was curious if anything else had changed.

Once he had eventually left the house, he started walking around and teleporting every so often to cut the time. From what he could see, nothing had really changed, if anything-just fewer monsters, if you wanted to get picky about it. When the monsters saw him, it was basically the same as it was back in Snowdin.

In the end, everything was the same, so, he went home. Surprisingly, he hadn't run into Boss yet either, which gave him mixed feelings of worry and confusion. He decided to brush it off and deal with it when it comes.

After deciding to teleport home, he opened the front door to then come face to face with Boss...

oh shit-




Heyo! Hope you enjoyed this chapter-I know it's short, but a lotta stuff has been going on with the Coronavirus and what not. Luckily, since I'm off for a month because of it, I'll be able to write a little more often-with breaks though, of course. Anyways, I hope you guys are doing well, and remember to wash them hands! Anywho, I won't rant anymore because I'm sure you guys have already gotten your fill with this topic. Well, I'll see you guys next time!


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