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Red gulped as his eyes widened, Boss towering over him as per usual. Boss, too, stood completely still, his eyes marginally widened as well. Once Boss moved, Red flinched and squeezed his eyes shut, preparing to be hit-but, nothing happened. Red opened his eye slightly, taking a peek just to notice that Boss was kneeled in front of him. Red opened his eyes fully, blinking a few times just for extra measure-why was Boss kneeling in front of him? Why was Boss at eye level with him? Red simply stared back into Boss' gaze, which he couldn't read-it was almost as if all emotions were wiped away from him. Before long, Boss finally moved towards Red, making Red flinch and close his eyes once again. He had forgotten how threatening being around Boss was. Expecting an actual hit this time, he braced himself, however, instead of stinging pain, there was warmth. Red's breath hitched at the sudden strange contact. He opened his eye slightly before opening both of them in surprise.

Boss was hugging him.

He couldn't help but gasp, a strange feeling overwhelming him. Why was Boss hugging him? Was he forced to? No, he didn't even know if he was alive or not-that cant be it. Is Boss hugging him out of a half-assed apology, maybe? Or is Boss doing it just so he can get onto his good side again before backstabbing him? He didn't know. He never anticipated this outcome-not even once did it cross his mind. He was expecting Boss to be angry that he was alive, or maybe angry that he ran off-something in that spectrum! But not this. Boss was trembling while hugging Red tightly, almost suffocating Red in the process. 

Red gulped before finally speaking, "h-hey,'re k-kinda suffocatin' me here-"

"Where were you?" Boss muttered, his voice shaking slightly. Red's eyes widened at Boss' question-he sounded genuinely concerned.

"i, uh..." Red paused for a few moments, he knew Boss wouldn't like his answer; that he stayed in Undertale. Though, since Boss was... how to say this? Vulnerable; He thought Boss wouldn't be too angry. He let out a sigh before finally answering, "i was in undertale." With his response, Boss only gripped onto him tighter, though, his trembling subsided a little. Was he angry?

"Just as I had expected..." Boss sighed, his voice quiet. Red raised a brow, but before he could reply, Boss continued. "I looked everywhere in the Underground, Sans." With Boss' statement, it made his soul ache in a strange way-pity, maybe? He wasn't too sure. It just felt weird to feel that way towards Boss. That's all he knew.

Red stayed silent before replying quietly, "sorry." In all honesty, he didn't know what else to say in this situation. It was a first for him-as was everything else so far. Boss didn't say anything after that, either. There was a strange lingering silence that polluted the air, the only sound that occurred was the every-so-often creaking in the house. 

Boss then let go of Red, leaving him dumbfounded before getting onto his feet. Red blinked a few times, still unsure on how to process the situation. He looked up at Boss, unsure how to proceed.

Breaking the silence, Boss spoke, "Let us go to..." he hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Chillby's... shall we?" Red's eyes widened at the invitation, his jaw basically on the floor with astonishment. 

did boss really just ask me to go to chillby's with him? boss? going to chillby's? with me?

While Red was short circuiting, Boss waited impatiently for Red's reply while tapping his foot. Boss' eye twitched before clearing his throat, an annoyed tone resonating from his voice. "Well? Would you like to go or not, Sans?" Boss saying Red's name made him snap out of his endless thoughts rather quickly, his attention going towards Boss.

"i-uhm-i mean, are you sure? like, you? going to chillby's? are you a'right..?" Red's voice sounded concerned, since this was very unlike his brother. Saying his name is one thing, along with inviting him out somewhere... but inviting him to go to Chillby's was a whole 'nother thing. It's unheard of.

A Painful Love (KUSTARD SANSCEST)Where stories live. Discover now