Heated. (NSFW)

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"HELLO RED! I'VE GOT YOUR FOOD. SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG, GRILLBY HAD OTHER CUSTOMERS TO ATTEND TO!" Papyrus smiled while he barged into the room with the two smaller skeletons. "OH, HELLO TO YOU TOO, SANS!" Papyrus greeted, giving a smile. "DID YOU APOLOGIZE?"

Classic gave a nod, "yeah, bro. everything's a'right for the moment. heh."

While the brothers were having their small chat, Red was having a small internal panic attack from almost showing Classic his arm. holy fuck... now that's what you call, 'saved by the bell'-or in this case, 'saved by the papyrus' is. oh my god... Red thought, having a small shiver run down his spine.

"ANYWAYS," Papyrus announced, "HERE IS YOUR FOOD RED. I GOT YOU A BURGER, AND MUSTARD-OH I ALSO GOT YOU SOME KETCHUP, SANS!" Papyrus smiled, feeling accomplished.

Classic smiled, "heh. thanks bro, you're the best." Papyrus handed Classic the bottle of ketchup as Papyrus then handed Red his burger and mustard bottle.

"..th-thanks." Red said shortly, taking the food from Papyrus. "i'll uh-eat downstairs..." Red said quietly as he started to get up.


Red looked at Papyrus for a few moments before he then sat back down, "..okay." Red slowly unwrapped his burger as Classic absently stared at him. Red looked up, looking at Classic. Classic blushed lightly as he looked away, looking at his ketchup bottle. Red sighed softly as he looked back down at his burger, slowly bringing it up to his mouth.

He then took a bite, his eye widening slightly. damn, i forgot how good this was... Red thought as a small smile formed on his face. Classic noticed Red smiling in the corner of his eye while he was opening his ketchup bottle-he couldn't help but smile. Red had quickly finished his burger, an unknowing hunger rising within him. He then grabbed the mustard and opened it, putting it up to his mouth and tipping it slightly. He took a sip of his favorite condiment and took the bottle away from his mouth. He savored the delicious flavor as he closed his eyes-his mouth was in heaven-he hasn't had a good drink like this in a long time. Red then started to absently chug his drink, making Classic turn his head. Classic couldn't help but chuckle at this-and only a few seconds later, the mustard was gone. Red sighed in satisfaction while he closed his eye a small smile on his mouth. "damn, that was good." Red smiled.

Papyrus smiled, "I'm glad," he paused for a few moments, "I am going to watch MTT, enjoy the food you two." Papyrus then left, closing the door behind him, not even thinking twice that something might happen up there.

Once Papyrus left the room, Classic asked, "how's your hp?" Red's smile faded slightly as he opened his eye, looking at Classic.

He then looked down and shrugged, "dunno," his voice was starting to become shaky-he didn't even know why he was starting to freak out-it was a simple question! He sighed as he brought up his HP, he looked at it and sighed, his HP was 0.7/1. Classic took a glance and raised his brow, looking slightly dumbfounded.

"the hell? why is it still not full?" Classic asked out loud, looking over at Red.

Red made his HP bar disappear, "i dunno," Red lied-he knew perfectly well why his HP wasn't full. Classic's 'brow' furrowed, he already knew Red was lying.

"red," Classic paused, "why are you lying to me?" Red looked down, not answering.

"i-i'm not.." Red replied looking at his lap while he fidgeted with his sleeves.

"red," Classic said firmly, making Red flinch, he looked up shyly. "don't lie-its a nasty habit." Classic continued, his voice low. Red blushed a light red from Classic's demanding voice, he looked away. Red didn't even know why he was getting turned on-especially in this situation. He bit his lower 'lip' as he tried to contain himself while Classic leaned in, "red," Classic paused once he leaned over to Red's 'ear,' "please tell me." His hot breath pressed against Red's cheek and neck, making him shiver. Classic then moved his hand to Red's now glowing boner and set his hand on it, applying little pressure. Red's eye widened while he jumped, his face becoming a dark red.

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