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Red paused at the low voice that erupted from Classic, making him turn around in both curiosity, and slight fear, though, it was in the back of his mind in the heat of the moment.

Red turned around, a quizzical yet irritable expression planted on his face, "eh?" Classic was already behind Red by the time he turned around, making it easy to grab Red by the collar of his sweatshirt, pulling him in close.

Red was about to retort in the action created by Classic, but was interrupted, "ya' know... i was planning on being nice, but since your drunk ass won't let me do that..." Classic glared at Red, his left eye flaring that signature blue color, alerting Red and putting him into fight or flight mode. Classic pushed Red against the wall with a thud, still holding Red's sweatshirt tightly, "..i'll have to be forceful." Red grit his teeth, an intoxicating dense magic fog filling the room, making it difficult to stay rational-though, who would be in this situation?

"the same could be said to you, classic." Red seethed, "i was planning on leaving the conversation at that, but i guess that's not the case." Classic clenched his fist harder on Red's sweatshirt before letting it go, putting his hands up and backing up, the magic dissipating. Red was confused for a moment, his 'brow' raising in unison with his confusion.

"you're right," Classic started, his voice was low and almost menacing, yet at the same time, it was carefree, giving it a creepy vibe. "there shouldn't be any conflict, right? you are an adult, after all." Red's eyes narrowed, he felt like he was being called out word for word, which made him pissed off. Before Red could say anything, Classic rushed toward him, grabbing him by the collar of his sweatshirt and knocking him down to the floor with a bang. Classic's eye flared a brighter blue, making his angered features show at full force. Red's mind couldn't register what was happing in time, and soon, blue bones were pointed at him. That only set Red off, with the PTSD flashbacks back in his universe, the violence between both of the skeletons, and most of all, his loved one in a wave of manic anger.

Classic had snapped.

With all of this fuel, with just a small spark, everything could explode. The both of them had exploded. Red's eye flashed a contrasting red, grabbing Classic by his sweatshirt and bashing his head against his, staggering Classic. Both of their HP dropped by .05, Classic's .95/1, and Red's .40/1. Red jumped up and summoned his own bones, though his, were damaged and falling apart from his already low HP. Classic too got up and had his bones behind him, staring Red dead in the eye, who already seemed to be struggling. Before Classic could muster another thought, Red charged him, bashing Classic's head against the cabinet, the wood breaking inwards, a dent in the shape of Classic's skull showing, some blood left behind.

Classic's HP: .85/1.

Classic's vision blurred momentarily, but he quickly retaliated with a hard shove, making Red stumble backward, giving Classic the upper hand. Classic quickly grabbed Red by his arm, a striking pain filling his body accompanied by a loud snap as he got slammed into the fridge, knocking his HP down to .20/1. His summoned bones started to disintegrate at a faster rate and his body movements labored dramatically, but that didn't stop him-he was raised in an environment like this. He was used to it. Red's eye flickered and delayed a few times before he got up, his knees shaking slightly, but was able to make them stop shaking visibly. He taught himself how to calm his tremors back in his universe because if you were seen shaking during a fight, you'd be looked down upon tremendously, thus seen as an easy target. Red cracked his neck and back, loosening himself up before staring at Classic, who seemed to stare back. Though, the staredown was shortlived, as Classic went in for another attack.

lower left... Red thought, before taking a large quick step to the right, dodging Classic and quickly grabbing him by the back of his neck, sending him crashing into the fridge at full force.

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