Starting Anew.

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The two skeletons appeared where they were last- in Waterfall, with a hard thud. Classic sat up and winced, rubbing his palm against the back of his head before looking over at Red, who laid unconsciously on the ground. Classic grit his teeth before he crawled towards Red, checking his HP;


Classic sighed in slight relief; he was honestly expecting a lot worse. He then leaned back, his hands propping him up while he dropped his head back, staring at the ceiling. 

now what..? Classic thought, completely at a loss of what to do. paps' gonna lose his shit, i swear... Classic scrunched his 'brows' up before leaning back up, setting his hands on his lap and looking over at Red once again. He hadn't really taken a decent look at Red until now, but... he seemed to be in worse condition than he had initially thought. He narrowed his eyes before leaning in towards Red, noticing the back of his skull had a large bruise, along with a small crack in it. Classic faltered for a moment before reaching forward and grabbing Red's shoulder and turning him over, and that was when he saw Red's face. It was covered with scratches, and deep ones at that, mostly residing on the left side of his face, over his eye socket. They still looked fairly fresh, too, that means... if i had shown up just a bit earlier... he clenched his hands into fists and stared at the ground. He couldn't help but feel it was his fault. If he had gone to Underfell earlier, none of this would have happened-

No, it wasn't his fault. It was ultimately Red's decision to go, and Classic respected that, at least, he thought he did... he quickly shook his head, all of these thoughts were useless. He sighed, letting some of the tension from his shoulders escape. He unconsciously reached his hand over to Red's forehead, before a tight grip wrapped around his wrist, making Classic audibly gasp. Red's eyes were wide, and his left eye released a dense red fog that was almost suffocating while his grip only continued to tighten.

"r-red?!" Classic exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock, unconsciously trying to shake free from Red's grip. 

"so it was you, you fuckin' bastard... i should've known." Red snarled deeply, Classic noticing Red's arm was trembling while he continued to hold onto his wrist.

"red-" Classic croaked before Red let go of his wrist and put his hands over his face and eyes, his eye no longer producing magic. "red?-" Classic flinched, leaning toward Red again, quickly noticing tears seeping through his hands.

"you- you fuckin' shithead..." Red stammered, a small sniffle coming from him. Classic hesitated before quickly hugging Red, making him flinch and drop his hands from his face. Red grit his teeth, feeling tears begin to flood from his sockets while he weakly punched Classic repeatedly in the stomach. "you- fucker... lemme go-" 

"no," Classic said firmly, hugging Red tighter, "i'm not letting you go again... ever." Red's eyes widened and his body trembled before he started sobbing, quickly wrapping his arms around Classic, surprising him. Classic moved one of his hands and slowly started to pet Red's skull, making Red cry even harder, his forehead sinking into Classic's shoulder. "it's okay, red... it's okay..." Classic murmured, leaning his head against Red's gently, Red's crying not showing any signs of stopping. 

Classic and Red stayed in the same spot for a while, and Classic continued to pet Red's head until Red's crying subsided. 

"you okay?" Classic asked quietly, earning a grumble from Red.

"jus'... jus' shuddup..." Red muttered, his head still nestled between Classic's neck and shoulder. Classic couldn't help but let out a small chuckle before moving his hand from Red's head to his back, gently patting it a few times. 

Classic leaned his head into Red's a little more before letting out a sigh, "i'd love to stay like this, too, but... we are in the middle of waterfall." Red stayed still for a moment before slowly looking up into Classic's eyes, his face looking like a pouting cat. Classic's soul skipped a beat before he looked away, taking his hand away from Red's back and putting it over his mouth. stars, red...  Red looked back down before unwrapping his arms from around Classic, a cold chill engulfing his once warm body. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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