Quick Decline.

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When Classic woke up, he felt slightly better; physically, anyways. He sat up slowly, gazing around his room.

it really isn't a dream, huh..? Classic thought, his eyes narrowing and teeth clenching. He put his hands over his face, thoughts drifting around in his head. He honestly didn't know what to do anymore. Would he just go back to his normal routine? No, it felt wrong to do so. He could just go back to sleep, but he surprisingly didn't feel tired. He felt irritated with everything, and he didn't want to do anything. He didn't even know what time it was, but what does it matter anyway? So, he simply stared up at the ceiling, his eyes glazing over with dissociation.

He wasn't sure how much time passed before there was a sudden knock on his door, though his mind didn't process it completely. With no answer from Classic, there was another knock, making him slowly turn his head towards the door, his eyes still glazed over.

"SANS?" Papyrus called from the other side, some worry intertwined with his voice. Classic blinked a few times, it was like a cloud was lifted from his eyes; his eyes focused on the door before he spoke.

"yeah, bro?" Classic replied, his voice cracking slightly since he hadn't used his voice yet that day.

"COULD I COME IN? I'D LIKE TO TALK WITH YOU." Papyrus asked, making Classic flinch, a sigh following shortly after.

"yeah, sure... whatever you want, bro." Classic turned his body so his feet touched the floor and leaned forward, setting his elbows on his legs. Papyrus turned the door knob and walked inside, and with one look at Classic, he gulped, his face turning grim for a moment; Classic didn't look well to say the least.

Papyrus walked towards Classic and stopped at his bedside, "May I?" He asked quietly, Classic simply nodding in reply. Papyrus then sat down next to Classic and set his hands on his legs, looking down worriedly, thoughts racing in his head. "I..." Papyrus started, "I read the note." Classic visibly tensed up, his teeth clenching at Papyrus' words. Papyrus gulped before continuing, "I... I want help you, I really do. But... you need to let me in before you... fall any deeper into yourself." Papyrus looked up at Classic, uneasiness written all over his face. Classic kept silent, he didn't know what to say; this is basically a repeat in history, just... different circumstances. 

He knew he was lying right through his teeth, but... "i'm fine, bro," he looked up and over at Papyrus, a grin forming on his face; a type of grin that could would make any soul ache. He looked away from Papyrus and stared ahead of him blankly, "'sides, we've been through worse before." 

"Sans-" Papyrus started quickly, his eyes narrowing in elevated worry. "Please, just talk to me, I know you're hurting-"

"papyrus," Classic pressed, his eye lights disappearing momentarily, "i'm fine." He leaned back slightly and looked up at the ceiling, a distorted grin forming on his face. "'sides, red can do whatever the hell he wants." There was a certain amount of venom in Classic's words that made Papyrus uncomfortable; what was up with this hatred coming from Classic? 

Papyrus grit his teeth slightly before speaking, "But aren't you worried?"  

His words made Classic physically pause before almost all emotion drained from his face and he replied firmly, "no." That one word was filled with nothing but pure bitterness, making Papyrus' expression sink in disbelief. Without another word, Classic stood up, his vision darkening for a few moments, making him stumble slightly. 

Papyrus got up quickly, putting his hand on Classic's shoulder, "Sans, please don't do anything rash!" Classic put his hand over Papyrus', squeezing it tightly before pushing it off him. Classic then put his hood up and slid his hands into his sweatshirt pockets, leaving Papyrus alone in his room.

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