Chp - 17.

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yn's Pov :

Twisting and turning under the duvets, my eyes opened cos of sun, it was shining brightly outside the window.

A smiled appeared on my face as I stretched a bit making my hands land
Oh the other side of my bed. I noticed someone's absence which was none other than my husband Jeon Jungkook. It made me frown, I turned
My head to another side only to find an empty bed.

I bit my lips and sat up only to find him sleeping on the couch.
And there these thoughts go again.

Why he's sleeping on the couch? now he doesn't even wanna share this bed with me?I shouldn't force him for anything if he doesn't want then let it be that way,
But sharing a bed wouldn't be a problem right?

All the thoughts were river rushing in my mind but the way jungkook was behaving it was obvious for me to think of it. It was giving me negative thoughts again which I was avoiding it as I didn't want to be negative in the early morning.

I gulped all the tears which were forming in my eyes as I didn't want to ruin anyone's morning here.
I got up and approached jungkook's sleeping figure.

I smiled sadly as I looked at his face which showed he was in a deep slumber.
I pushed his hair back from his forehead,

"I know,
the way you're behaving with your newly married wife it's giving me clear view that you don't love me, but it's ok my dear jungkookie I do love you and
I hope you to love me back soon."

I talked to myself making sure not to wake him up.
I sadly Chuckled as a single tear finally rolled down my eyes and blinked it and wiped it off.
I sighed making my way towards the bathroom to get fresh.

Jungkook's Pov :

The moment I felt a soft hand touching my forehead so lightly it gave me relaxed feeling but somehow made me break up with my sleep.

As soon as I realized whose hand it was, I stayed still not moving a bit

The moment she started speaking I felt hurt inside,
I realised how hurt she was and the fact that she loves me made me feel more bad.
As soon as she left I sat straight on the couch resting my arm joints on my knees, rubbing my temple with my thumb and index finger I sighed deeply.

"I do love you and I hope you to love me back soon"
Her voice and her statement were ringing in my head.

"I don't think I can fall in love with you my yn-ah cos am already in deep with jiyeon".
I said to myself and I remember jiyeon

Jiyeon? Must be awake by now let me call her.

I chuckled and dialed her number in my phone and put it to my ear,
I waited for her to pick it up but there was no answer from her side
I frowned and started tapping my feet on the floor out of anxiousness.
And there it showed "no answer"

I furrowed my eyebrows and called her again and waited for her to pick it up, but result was the same

Why she's not picking my phone up? It's already 8 in the morning I don't think she'd be asleep now, should I go and check it? Ofc yes.

I Headed towards the bathroom and realised yn was in it
I groaned in frustration and sat back on the couch waiting for her to come out.

Ugh!! Ynah come out fast!!!

I became impatient, after what felt like 30 minutes yn came out in her outfit drying her hairs with a towel and saw me.

And I must say she was looking very beautiful
I smirked mentally and looked at her

"umm did I make you wait jungkookie??"
Her sweet voice made me snapped out of my thoughts
I looked at her innocent face and internally Chuckled at my new nick name.

I smiled sweetly at her,
"no you didn't ynah"
I answered shaking my head as no with a smile on my face and making my way to the bathroom.

Yn's Pov :

I frowned and Chuckled at his behaviour

He's in the happy mood it seems.
I should make tasty breakfast for us he'd be more happy.

I smile and giggled happily heading towards kitchen and started making chocolate pancakes.

Within 20 min I was done with it and With a last flip I turned the gas range to right side making it turn off.
Meanwhile jungkook came down I smiled at him but my expression changed and I frowned when I saw in his outwears

Jungkook's Pov :

As soon as I stepped out sweet aroma of chocolate pancakes hit me and my mouth started watering

She must be cooking down the kitchen

I smiled and changed my outfits into outwear, with a hungry stomach I hurried down the stairs and saw her cooking.

"ah you're going somewhere jungkookie?"

She asked with frowning at me

I totally forgot I've to see jiyeon and her question made me remember
"ah yes yes I've to meet one of my friends"
I answered gulping hard.

"O-oh I see "
She answered looking away and her expressions showed that she was sad
And it confused me but finally I realised why it was.

"ah but am hungry I wanna taste those".
I said pointing towards pancakes.

She smiled widely making her look hella cute making me smile too

"really!!? Yes yes I made these for you Pls sit I'll serve you"
She said giggling making me Chuckle at her.
I took a sit on a chair and waited for her to serve me

I turned the plate which was placed on the dining table as she came and served pancakes to me

I picked the fork and knife up and started eating it.
I must say it was very delicious.
I saw her expression and she was waiting for me to compliment it.
I ate it all and wiped my face with the napkin. I chuckled at her innocence as how she didn't get I loved the the pancakes.

"It was hella delicious yn-ah I loved it"
I said smiling at her
"really! Am happy you loved it jungkookie"
She said giving me that cute smile of hers.

And it hit me again that I've to see jiyeon
I checked the time and it showed 10 in the morning
"ah I've to go ill be back in an hour y ah"
I said leaving my house and heading towards my car driving to jiyeon's place.


Here's another update for you angels hope you like it.
Happy reading. See you soon in the next chapter.
Purple you all💜☺️

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