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Author's Pov:

jungkook was going through all the files piled up on his table, soon enough a knock was heard on the door, not taking eyes off from the files he muttered a small come in, audible enough for the person out side to hear it out,

the person out side was none other than his secretary,
jungkook not taking his eyes off from the files was already aware who was it.
"yes brother Wassup" he said as he took a pen from the pen holder and signed a document reading the next page of it.

"there's a person outside wants to meet you" his secretary said making jungkook to look at him, he glanced at the digital clock face before looking at his secretary

"at this time" he said frowning more making his secretary to Shrug his shoulders,

"don't know either, she is saying it's urgent" he said making jungkook to stand up from his seat
"ask her to come in"
he said turning around and looking outside of the window.

secretary bowed before leaving the office
after one minute door opened making jungkook to turn around.

jungkook just widened his eyes and rushed towards her and pulled her inside the cabin closing the door.

"you're here at this time? what's wrong?"
jungkook asked whispered yelling at her making sure people outside don't hear them.

jieyon looked at him and sighed.
"yea at this time, cos I want to talk to you about something very important jungkook" she said crossing her arms against her chest..
noticing the seriousness in her voice, jungkook frowned and looked at the digital clock again.

"within 5 mins
there would be break time for everyone at that time we'll leave the office and whatever the discussion you're talking about ok"
jungkook said making her nod slowly, jungkook just arranged the files on the table, and took his phone and the car keys.

within five minutes both of them left the cabin, jungkook was holding jiyeon's hand taking her to the elevator, as soon as they entered the elevator, jungkook pressed the
button which had "G" return on it.

he turned towards jieyon who was having a very serious expression,
staring at nothing in particular, zoning out in her own thoughts.
sighing as much as jungkook wanted to ask her what's the matter
he decided not to just come up with the conversation at the moment.
as soon as the elevator stopped on the ground floor jungkook held her hand again and they were about to step out from the elevator but stopped as a lady was blocking their way,
the lady frowned when she noticed both of them, as she was aware that her boss is married already but wasn't sure about the bride, she bowed as she jungkook bowed back in return, she made ways for both of them, as  the couples hurried their steps towards the exit

the lady on the other hand entered the elevator,
still having her  eyes on their leaving figure.

jungkook drive off to her house, parking it somewhere near the area.
both of them made their towards the entrance, as soon as they made their way towards the hall,
jungkook removed his coat and sat on the couch, patiently waiting for her to say something.
jiyeon sat beside him, as she rested both of her hands on her knees, she looked at jungkook who was already looking at her.

"what am I to you" she asked as serious as she could sound.
frowning jungkook just titled his head and said "what do you mean"

"What am I too you jungkook?"she repeated her self again, making him to think for a while, and without hesitating he looked at her in her eyes.

" someone that I can't imagine my life without"
he said making her to gulp her emotions, she could feel the sincerity in his eyes.

she shook her head as no,
"am your mistress jungkook" as soon as jungkook heard her words, he got up  from his seat

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