Chp - 34

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jiyeon's Pov :

I sighed saying nothing cos there was nothing to say and I actually didn't knew what to say about it.
no matter how much I ask for it how much I want for it
I can't get it
cos he's already married to someone and that someone is none other than my best friend.
I gasped when he pulled me closer making me place both of my hands on his chest.
"is it okay if we go for it"
he said looking at my lips with his intense stares.
at this point of time I was confused cos I wanted to know what's going on
what's going on in jungkook's mind
I just gulped looking at his intense stares not gonna lie but it indeed was a turn on but I just shrugged it off and pulled myself together.

"no jungkook it's not okay in any way
not for now atleast" I said holding his hand with one of mine and other one caressing his cheeks
"I don't know jiyeon whenever I try to ignore it I crave more  for it" he said placing feather kisses on my collarbone making me tilt my head to side and clutching on to his shoulders tight.

But it was stopped when  i heard my phone ringing.
I got up from jungkook's lap and headed towards my mobile phone which was on to the other side of the table.
but I was pulled back by him as he made me laid down on the couch and hover over me  slamming his lips on mine.
I forgot about everything and wrapped my arms around him kissing him with the same passion and the hunger

but again we were interrupted cos of the phone call.
this time I decided to take this call cos I was irritated too
I mean firstly why in the hell people wanna disturb me and him and secondly what work someone must be having late at night.
i looked at jungkook who was breathing heavily and already looking at me
I just pushed him off me this time
and headed towards the other side of the table.
I looked at the caller ID and was shocked and frowned too

why yn is calling this late at night is everything okay with her? wait does she got ton know that jungkook is here with me

I widened my eyes and looked behind only to see jungkook already laying on the couch with a tired face and a closed eyes.
I decided not to inform him.
so I just went a little far away from where jungkook was
and picked the call up.
"y-yn" I said stuttering and I cussed myself mentally cos of that
but I didn't let her say hello and continued
"are you ok yn-ah? is everything fine there? why calling late at night?"
I asked flooding her with the questions.

"j-jiyeon" I heard her and my breath hitched when I found she was on the verge of tears
"yn! sweetie are you ok
what's wrong baby? tell me! did something happen are you ok there?? please tell me"
I asked being panicked
I mean why in the hell she's crying
I didn't even realize that  jungkook came and stood beside me.
his expression said everything that he was concerned and worried too.
he looked at me with a questioned look as in what happened exactly.
But I gestured him to wait.

"j-jiyeon s-see the t-time and h-jungkook is s-still not b-back h-home and I've been trying his phone for a long time but there's no response. I even called his PA he said he left the office a l-long a-ago, ji-jiyeon eh-where he must be jiyeon I'm worried I can't even breathe properly"
yn said busting into tears..
I felt a pang in my heart seeing her like this and was guilty at the same.
"shuh yn-ah calm down sweetie please don't cry there trust me he'll be back soon,.
maybe an urgent meeting must have come up right? like you remember once uncle got stuck in a meeting and aunt was being hella worried over him and later around 3 in the midnight he came back and the reason was he was in a meeting and the clients were From The United States
cos of time zones they held meeting late and it happened to be late"
I said trying to pacify yn cos i could still hear her little sobs "y-ya I remember" she said between her hiccups
"exactly baby he must be busy in the meeting somewhere and you yourself think yn-ah the guy has bouncers around him do you think any bad could happen to them" I said trying to make her believe that jungkook is perfectly fine so that at least she could stop crying...

Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy very sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I know am late but trust me my cosuins surprised me yesterday and they were not even letting me go for a min am so sorry for updating late.
Anyways here is the another update and rest three chaps you'll be getting two in the evening and the left one in the night,
and Thank you so much angels, thank you so much for your wishes it means alot 🥺💜, love you all and I hope you all are doing well there.
purple you all my loves and my break time is over I've to go and resume my work now.
see you soon in the evening my loves.

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