chp- 38

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jungkook's Pov :

"yn-ah!" I gave a loud call out of frustration, tired and most importantly out of worriment.
there was complete dark outside and the moon was the only light. I could feel the cold breeze touching my face.
breathing heavily and heaving a tired sigh I just closed my eyes and looked down.
where you'd be girl.

and then I heard the soft angelic voice more like a whisper.
I turned around within a second only to see yn in a white night gown with tears in her eyes and eyes that were swollen after a long cry, her expression said she was shocked too by my sudden appearance.
"yn" -
"finally where the hell-
I was cut off by her, she started walking more like limping towards me  which made me frown, I took a step forward,

"n-jungkook eh-where were you j-jungkook i was waiting for y-you"
she said as she walked towards me as fast as she could.
I walked towards her  and held her in my  arms
"yn - ah you ok what's wrong?"
I asked checking her up and down cos seeing her limping hurt me very badly and I don't know why

"we-where were yo-you jung-jungkook?" she asked me with alot of struggle cos of the stutterings.
my heart felt a pang looking at her crying self and the next thing what she did made me halt my movements.
she wrapped her arms tight around me and buried her face in my neck.
I could feel her unsteady breath and her little sobs.
I eventually wrapped my arms tight around her pulling her closer inhaling her scent.
I heard her soft angelic voice again i pulled back from the hug and cupped her face "what's wrong yn-ah why are you crying did something happen? tell me pls sweetheart? what's making you cry so badly?" I said with a very worried tone wiping her tears away with the thumb and pecking her forehead.
"calm down everything is fine am here now shuh"
I said engulfing her again in my arms.
she just hugged me back very tightly and burying her face in my chest.
I rubbed the back of her head very soothingly trying to calm her down.
"wh-where were you jun-ju- jungkook I w-was so sc-scared
I was so wor-woried about you, I th-thought I-I"
she said sobbing hardly and hugging me more tightly as if she losen further didn't say anything

as if she's going to lose me if the hold gets losen
I don't know why I hated seeing her so weak so insecure about something so much worried about me, even tho I've my love for someone else but yn is my wife and seeing tears in my wife's eyes is the least thing I would want

but why her cries are effecting me so much

I was in my own thoughts when I felt my shirt being clutched and that's none other than my wife, I sighed looking down at her
crying self who's hiding her face in my chest and sobbing uncontrollably.
I cupped her face with my hands and looked at her wiping her tears with my thumbs i looked deep in her innocent eyes,
there's no deny when it comes to yn's beauty, yn's beautiful and innocent eyes the way she was having hiccups between her sobs making her look so cute.
for good few seconds I was just admiring her and I was snapped back when the hold on my shirt got tight.
"yn-ah calm down sweetheart pls stop crying nothing happened am here now" I said caressing her cheeks and kissing her head
"am here right infront of you standing then why are you still crying sweetheart calm down pls" I said softly

trying to her calm down,
"I h-got real-really SC-scared j-jungkook" she said with a lot of struggles, I just placed my index finger on her lips
"shuhhh ~~ you've a strong husband sweetheart
yet you wanna cry for him instead of making tasty dishes and when the fact is he is starving cos he has not even had anything since evening"
I said trying to distract her and I guessed it work
when she covered her mouth with her hands and widened her eyes.
"oh my god you have not had your food? why didn't you have your  food yet jungkook?? why didn't you eat anything?? come on food is ready already I let me feed you something " she said grabbing my hands and making way to mansion but she halted in her movements
when she noticed my bleeding arms

I muttered under my breath when she looked at it narrowing her eyes getting a clear view of it cos because of dark there was nothing much visible.
I thought I'd save myself from this but I guess I failed

now she'll cry for that too God just do help me in calming her down

yn just widened her eyes and started breathing heavily
"j-jungkook woh-what's th-this"? she asked me as if she has seen something terrible

"it's nothing sweetheart calm down pls look at me " I said grabbing her arms
but she just pushed my hands away and come to the side and took my hands in her small ones

she looked at me with a glossy eyes the eyes which showed pain


hello angels, Ik many of you would be upset of me cos of updating late but I wish I could tell you the reason and am sorry for not being able to update timely.
Anwyas here's the update and many of you wanted to ynkook moments so here's it and am sorry if I can't reply to you guys and your comments but I'll surely reply to everyone as soon as I get time.
hope you guys like it.
Pls do vote and comment on it cos it's honestly very motivating and the only thing keeping me up to continue with the work.
purple you all.

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