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yn's pov:

It was already evening and we were getting ready for the meeting , I actually was very excited to meet popps and mommy cos why wouldn't i be? it felt like ages ive not seen them , not only them but my in-laws too , I know my excitement level was at its peak, I was brushing my hairs and looked myself in the mirror and yes i was looking presentable , i thought of wearing a little make up but nahh man its fine over make up is something I hate, so I just put a lip gloss smiled at my own reflection,

It was already evening and we were getting ready for the meeting , I actually was very excited to meet popps and mommy cos why wouldn't i be? it felt like ages ive not seen them , not only them but my in-laws too , I know my excitement level was a...

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"hmm perfect" I said putting the lip gloss back on the table and turned around only to see shirtless jungkook drying his hairs with the towel and in his sweat pants I was so used to him see him this way that I don't get uncomfortable or shy around him like this anymore and however am happy that we are actually being closed and open up to each other.

I actually frowned seeing him in his sweatpants I mean he does remember that we are going right

"aye jungkookie why you not ready yet" I asked him
"I know I know sweetheart could you please help me out with something to wear" he said still drying the wet hairs

"oh sure sure lemme see what you can wear today " I said making my way towards his closet and opened it
"hmmmm~~ so what's special here" I talked to myself and started searching  something for Him

jungkook's Pov :

I was drying my hairs and when it was done I threw it on the bed and noticed yn is already ready and her back was facing, I could bet she would be looking hella gorgeous in , i was waiting for her to turn around but she was focused on finding a shirt for me it seems ,

tsk she ain't gonna turn around man

Getting impatient and throwing the towel 
on the bed, I just made my way towards her and before I could turn her around she already turned around with a black color shirt in her hands.

Author's Pov :

sudden appearance of jungkook made yn stumbled back on her feet as her one hand was on her chest and the other one holding the shirt for him,
"Holy christ"!
yn said under her breath and looked at jungkook who was laughing at her,

yn with one hand on her hips and other one holding the cloth just gave a playful glare at him and narrowed her eyes at him

"it seems someone is finding it funny hm?"
yn said making jungkook control his laughter and putting a finger on his lips
"ok ok sorry sweetheart wasn't intending to scare you" jungkook said placing his hand on the door of the closet almost leaning on it.
yn just shook her head and looked at the shirt on her hands
"anyways jungkookie would you like to wear this shirt I'm sure this will look good on you"
she said holding the ends of the shoulders of the shirt and forwarding and take a look of it with a smile on her face, till then jungkook just admired yn's beautiful face how beautiful she was looking in her outfit.
not getting any response from jungkook yn looked at him who was already staring at her with a smile on his face

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