chp- 43

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Author's Pov :

when he placed a finger on her lips shutting her down,
her both the hands were pinned by jungkook on the bed and yn was looking at him confusingly tho the posture of both of them  was somehow making her turn red but however the feeling of confusion took over it,
on the other hand jungkook was messed up with the feelings,
what yn said made him guilty and at the same time he was angry too, not on yn but cos of his fate, he realized that yn has a pure love for him and jungkook  already had his heart for someone else and there's only one thing he knows no matter what replacing jiyeon is next to  impossible for every girl alive,
but the fate wasn't on his side since very start cos the girl he loved the most, he didn't get to marry her but   her best friend and it was obvious as well as  he  realized that there's a special type of bond with yn he  shares not only because they are married but also cos of the feelings, attachments, concern care and everything.

jungkook knows very well stepping on two boats at the same time would make him drown in the sea, some or the other way he has to make a choice sooner or later he knew he'd be facing this and  also he knew its gonna be very tough not only for him but also for both the girls, when the time will come for all three of them  where both the woman would be in front of her and he'd be choosing one over the other and the more he is delayed the more  it'll be messed up,
jungkook knew his choice was jiyeon no doubt there  but he didn't want to leave yn either not because they are knotted together as a husband and wife but because of the genuine concern and care,
jungkook even understood that yn is a fragile doll, cos if his small  accident could effect her so much then it was very obvious that if she gets to know about the truth about him and her best friend having a secret relationship with each other could ruin her completely and jungkook didn't want this to happen at all.

having all this going on in his head jungkook got frustrated and groaned in frustration shutting his eyes tight
making yn worried more.

she started breathing heavily not only because of the fact that a shirtless jungkook was on top of her but out of worriment too, she saw jungkook and his expressions and she got to know that jungkook has alot to say but he's stopping himself from doing so.
biting her lips she didn't knew what to do and the only thing she was having in her mind to get out of his tight grip firstly.
she started wiggling under him twisting her wrist lightly to get out of jungkook's hold

jungkook shot his eyes opened and looked at yn with a serious almost clenching jaw, yn was on the verge of tears again.. Infact tears has already been formed in her eyes but it was threatening to fall as she didn't want to piss jungkook this time not at this point at least
but however being not so good on controlling her emotions, her eyes shed the tears which jungkook didn't fail to notice it,
with a tight jaw he bent down and looked deep in her eyes with his dark one, out of fear yn instantly turned her head to the  other side closing her eyes tight
jungkook's heart softened and  reality hit him on  what he was doing, he just looked at yn
and his breathing got uneven,
he looked at his hands how it was tightly gripping on to her wrist, he took his hands back in a seconds from her wrist  and wasn't knowing what to do and what not to do

"y-yn" he called her between his heavy  breaths, he was just so shocked on his behavior towards yn,
he called again very softly looking at yn who had her eyes shut tightly.
he held her wrist and pulled her up, yn just opened her teary eyes again as she didn't knew how to react and what to do, jungkook made her sit as he was still on her with his legs either the side of yn's waist which made her  bent a little backwards lightly.
jungkook cupped her face and wiped the tears away
"am  sorry I just lost the control am so sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to am very sorry"
jungkook just kept on apologising for his actions and got panic.

yn wanted to calm him down but she didn't knew what to say at that moment, jungkook just got up from her releasing her and held her wrist immediately made her stand up too by

"am so sorry yn-ah I didn't mean to pls forgive me" jungkook said checking on her, yn nodded and looked at jungkook's concerned face making jungkook sigh tiredly,

Pls help me to get a rid of everything am going through am just tired now

he thought to himself, taking few steps away from yn turning around as he didn't want to face her atleast not now, he just rubbed his face and brushed the hair back with his closed eyes out of tiredness.

yn just stood there, looking at him particularly his back and observed behavior, yn wanted to calm him by some or the other way, taking a deep breath yn just walked to him and stood in front of him who had his head hung low with his hands in his pockets deeply thinking about the mess he was stuck in.

but as soon as yn appeared he looked at her and her facial expression which showed nothing but concern, yn just gulped and took a step forward and embraced him in her arms.

"calm down jungkookie, nothing happened, pls calm down everything is fine now" she said  slightly caressing her head in a soothing manner.

jungkook somehow was shock a bit but he ended up hugging her back tightly holding her waist and resting her head in the crook of her neck.
her words her touch was actually successful to calm him down,

"am sorry yn-ah" he said hiding his face in her neck and making the hold tight around her waist.

"you shouldn't be sorry for  when you did nothing wrong jungkookie" she said still caressing his back making jungkook more guilty.

Only if she knew whats waiting for her in the future and what games fate were playing with three of them


Hello angels, here's the update hope you guys enjoy it, pls don't forget to vote and comment.
And yes one thing I wanted to say is next one week is going to be very tough for me so just wish me luck and updates could be very slow am sorry for that angels 😔.
purple you all 💜

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