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Jungkook's Pov :

Damn this work.

I thought to myself being exhausted and signing up the last file for the day.
Getting it done i put the file and the pen aside I rested my back on the chair taking and my head on the head rest.
Heaving an exhausting sigh, I just closed my eyes and rubbed my temple out of tiredness.

"Ah time for coffee it seems"
I said this to my self and put my hands down on the arm chair rotating myself around on the desk chair.
Within five minutes I saw door opening a lil and saw my PA knocking on the door asking for my permission to get into the office.

Ah another work came up

"Come in" I said still my head resting on the head rest and my eyes on PA.
He bowed before explaining everything what was my today's schedule.

"And lastly a small meet up with Mr. Wang today
As per yours and Mr. Wang's Plan"
He said closing the file and that made me more tired.
"Damn dude can't you just tell them that jungkook is sick today"
I said giving him a bore and a very tired look.

He just chuckled at me and said "I wish I could, well for now just let's get into the meeting room"
He said pointing at his wrist watch and mouthing "hurry up" before leaving the room.

I just rolled my eyes at my secretary I know him for a very long years and we do share a bro type bond with each other.
I stood up from the chair sighing, fixing up my coat before heading towards the meeting room.
But a phone ring stopped me and it was none other than my mobile phone. I took it out from my pocket and saw the caller  ID.

A smiled appeared on my lips seeing the name.
"hello my love".
I said and got to hear a soft giggle from the other side.
"oh yes babe I've reached the town already so just thought of informing you"  jiyeon answered with her angelic voice.

"oh great then sweetheart ill be seeing you at your home tonight do send me the location right now and I've to go my love time for the meeting with the clients"
I said looking feeling a bit sad as I wasn't able to talk much to her.
"sure baby will send you the location and also all the very best, I love you"
She said giggling which made me chuckle
"love you too sweetheart see you soon at night".
I said disconnecting the call and heading towards the meeting room.

Yn's Pov :

After meeting my inlaws I came back home and lt was hella boring being alone in the mansion.
All of my works were done.

I sighed And looked outside of the window and smiled at the view.

"what a shiny day"
I said to myself and smiled brightly, cos I knew what's my plan for today.
I excitedly said to myself and  got ready in a pretty out fit

(consider it was a big bag containing a small water bottle a mobile phone and also money

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(consider it was a big bag containing a small water bottle a mobile phone and also money.
Am sorry I didn't got a picture according to the description 😥)

with a small bag carrying a water bottle mobile phone and few amount of money for myself.
I got outside of the door locking it before leaving the house.

I spotted the guy who was  none other than the bodyguard sent by jungkook to look after me and our house.

I frowned as I saw him standing under the sunlight.
I walked towards him and damn he was so muscular and tall.
I tapped his shoulders lightly he turned around with his beast personality and was towering me.
I looked up at him and got lil scared looking at him.
I saw the name his written on the chest pocket.

"umm Mr Stuart you can use the chair there and can sit inside under the shade" I said looking at him and he just smiled and I must say that was the cutest thing.

"it's okay ma'am am actually supposed to stand here near the gates" he said in his deep voice which made my face form an "O"

"ummm ok then have this water bottle in case if you need it" I said taking it from my bag and handing it to him.

"No no ma'am all good thank you so much for this but am all good"
He said being nervous and denying it.

"Aishhhhh keep it Mr Stuart you'd be needing this, see the sunlight you want to be drained out of energy"?
I said handing him the bottle successfully and laughing at him.

He just chuckled and looked at the water bottle which was in his big hands and shook his head as no.

"exactly then keep this with you and yes its yn not 'ma'am' Mr Stuart" I said playing with the straps of my bag.

"Mr. Jeon would kill me if I do that ma'am"
He said panicking a lil thinking of the consequences.
I just chuckled at him
"Aish don't worry about it Mr Stuart, calling me ma'am will upset me so no calling ma'am OK?"
I said with hands on my hips.

"Sure yn-si" he said laughing a bit which made me laugh as well

" but may I know where are you going umm
Don't get me wrong but have to answer Mr. Jeon about it if he asks"
He asked me while playing with the bottle in his hands.

"oh its fine Mr. Stuart am just taking a small walk near the garden cos am bored Ill be back in an hour tho. "
I said and pointed  behind me in the sense of showing him the direction stating its just near of my house.

"Oh okay, be safe yn-si and please note my number down if in case you need my help in any trouble"
He said in the sense of being worried.

"Oh ofc ofc" I said and noted his number down

"so here's my number and am one call away just a single ring and I'll be there"
I just chuckled at him and got so happy at this brotherly feeling.

"Ofc I'll take my leave now see ya soon Mr. Stuart"
I waved him bye and turned around counting my steps but stopped on my tracks when I hard Mr. Stuart giving a loud call to me.

Mr Stuart yelled and I turned around.
"Yes Mr. Stuart"!! I shouted back as he was at a good disatnce and a Low voice wouldn't be helping both of us

"oppa would be much more better"! He said giving his brotherly smile
I giggled at him and show my thumbs up
"okay oppa!" I said with a big smile.
I waved at him and headed towards the garden area.


Hello angels!!

So here's another update. I know I know most of my angels wanna see the yn and jungkook moments and it's gonna be happening in the next few chaps I'm posting the chaps including this new characters cos this people would be playing a big role at the time of revelation.
So please do read everything and share your thoughts on it.
Hope you guys like it. Enjoy reading angels! Saranghae 💜

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