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Author's Pov:

Jungkook got fresh and got back down in the hall and he noticed that yn was preparing for their lunch, smiling at the view he made his way towards her and stopped just right behind her and noticed she was busy cutting vegetables , yn being busy at her work she didn't realize his presence behind her , as soon as she turned around to put the vegetables in the vessel where the water was boiling , she gasped and stepped back cos of sudden appearance of Jungkook

"damn jungkookie you scared me!! " she said stumbling back on her feet as her butt landed on the counter and she held the counter with one hand and other hand holding the plate containing the chopped vegetables,
jungkook just laughed at her and hold her arms to support her

seeing jungkook laughing she just shook her head and walked toward the kitchen stove and putting all the chopped vegetables in the vessel,
jungkook just followed her like a lost pup and was watching her cooking, yn picked the spatula and started stirring, she looked at jungkook who was looking at the vessel she just chuckled making jungkook look at her
"may I know why yn is laughing"
jungkook asked leaning at the counter, with his arms being crossed
shrugging off her shoulders she replied "oh, yn was just thinking about something" she said giggling
"Ohh may I know what she was thinking" jungkook asked raising a brow
making an oh face she act like she was thinking, "she can't say that to any one it's a secret" she whispered to him and continued with the stirring with a smile on her face,
jungkook chuckled and just admired her side posture and her eyes landed on her bare neck, he remembered the moment with jiyeon and a smile appeared on his face thinking of her, subconsciously he just got stood behind yn and snaked his arms around her waist, he slowly kissed her bare neck, making yn gasped and dropped the spoon on the counter,  she  stopped in her tracks.
jungkook just snapped back into reality and immediately stepped back from her, yn had a red cheeks and she turned around only to see jungkook embarrassed too, she just rubbed the back of her neck not knowing what to say and do , both of them were not maintaining any eye contact
"I-i m I - m-mean I"
he was not getting any words to explain her at the moment that what made him do that

"I-I am do-done with the lunch already ill just serve it for us"
she   immediately changed the topic and turned around gulping she grabbed two plates putting the cooked food on it.

"y-yea yea i-ill just go to dining area" he said disappearing from the place

yn's Pov:

me not looking at him as soon as he left the place I released the breath which I  was holding for so , placing my  hands on my chest I just tried not to blush, I was so confused I mean what made him do that,
not like I didn't like it but still it was so sudden I mean I wasn't even prepared,
ughhhhhh how in the freaking hell someone is supposed to be prepared for calming my nerves down I just breath in and breath out

"it's ok, it's not a big deal, but what made him do that, jungkookie I'll go crazy now"

I was talking to myself and tried not to freak out, taking a deep breath again I just decided to take the dishes to the dining area

jungkook's Pov :

what the fuck did I just do!!!? fucking crazy bastard!!! get the hold of your fucking damn self!! but why the fuck did I do that!!!?

I was cussing myself and slapped my head for being a crazy bastard, I stopped myself when yn arrived with the dishes, I looked at her she was maintaining any eye contact but one thing I noticed was her pink cheeks,
she placed my dish infront of me and settled down her seat.
we both started eating, there was a pin drop silence I actually wanted to come up with a conversation but, I was actually stealing glances at yn who wasn't saying anything and having her whole  Concentration on food, i just cussed myself for ruining the mood, we were actually opening up to each other and I didn't want  atleast the bond we were sharing to get ruined, but my dumb self did that too, sighing I just had my lunch with no mood of having it.

"ah j-jungkookie we have to meet our parents around 6 or 7 I guess"
she said fortunately lighting up the tensed situation.

"oh yea yea I was actually waiting for dad's text I'm sure he must have decided the location"
I said trying to extend the conversation, she smiled at me nodding her head in the sense of agreeing.

I decided to just apologize cos I felt that was the right thing to
"yn-ah" I called her and she looked at me "yea" that's all she said
"am a-actually sorry for what-"
I was cut off by her "ishh it's fine jungkookie it's okie don't be sorry about anything am just excited to meet our parents" she said mentioning it as If it wasn't a big deal, somehow i was relaxed and nodded at her
"thanks yn-ah and yea even am excited" I said chuckling at her excited behaviour.

however the atmosphere got cool and I was relaxed and all thanks to the angel infront of me, I just looked at her who was having her lunch making me smile I just continued with my lunch too


congratulations to myself I burnt my wrist today 🙂
here's the update angels hope you guys like it.

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