Chp - 11

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I woke up not with the warm sunrays but someone brutally shaking my butt...  I opened my eyes a little only to see jiyeon with her hands on her hips with an irritated expression, waiting for me to wake up... Well that's not going to happen any time sooner jii babes .... I rolled my eyes at her,

"What do you want jiyeon ?  just go to sleep.... And don't disturb me..."

I said,while  pulling my duvets up to my head,I rolled myself into a ball... But someone's knees were poking behind my back under the sheets, I looked at my side and it was Jennie..
I extended my hand and got close to jennie hugging her a little.... But that didn't last long....
I got hit on my head with some thing soft yet rough and same goes with jennie...

I looked outside of the duvet and it was none other than jiyeon.... Jennie and I woke up and sat on the bed with eyes still closed....

"What's your problem jiyeon? Can't you let us sleep peacefully"... I said with eyes half opened.

"Yahhh... Unnie plss a little moreee" .... Jennie said while placing her upper body on my laps and hugging my waist... I placed my head on her back and close my eyes to go back to sleep...

I heard jiyeon groaning in frustration..

"Oh god.... You guys are pain in ass....come on get up we're getting late... Come on we should be hurrying up...." jiyeon said while trying to separate both of us and shaking my shoulders vigorously... But dude its hard for everyone to wake me up from my sleep specially when it's morning time...

" YN GET THE FUCK UP DO. YOU KNOW WHAT'S THE DAY TODAY IT'S YOUR WEDDING DAY.... AND WE'RE ALREADY GETTING LATE... SAME GOES TO YOU JENNIE".... Jiyeon said breathing heavily and giving us her most famous deadliest glare that can make anyone lose his shit...
We both sat straight but jennie got back to its same position as she was earlier,  jiyeon's  sudden outburst made me flinched I looked at her with a confused expression..,  it took a little time to realise why she was shouting and what she said but then it hit me hard like a truck....

I asked getting panic.... Oh god how can I forget my own wedding.....

"Relax, jeez... Firstly go and get fresh , makeup artist and other stylists are arriving soon to doll you up, so go fast and come fast"..... Jiyeon said and handed me a towel which was on the side table.... I took it immediately and tried getting up from my bed but an immediate force pulled me back...
I looked down and it was Jennie sleeping peacefully on my belly....

I tried to wake her up but all in vain,i looked at jiyeon for help... She rolled her eyes and walked to the other side of the bed holding jennnie's shoulder from the back well detaching her from me....

"jennnie dear wake up, its my wedding today and I don't want to be late "... I said well Patting her shoulders to wake her up, luckily she opened her eyes and looked at me with an emotionless expression.... Maybe she was trying to proces what I said...

"OH MY GOD.... UNNIE WE'VE TO BE FAST.... OH JESUS I'VE SO MUCH Things TO DO, OH GOD, OH GOD ". She said.... I mean screamed while quickly getting up and running away from my room to go to her room...

Jiyeon and I looked at each other for a moment and started laughing..... Like maniacs...

"Oh God how funny her expression was"... I said while clutching my stomach because of the pain that caused by laughing... Jiyeon buried her face in the pillow while her laugh came out as a muffle...

I was still laughing when suddenly jiyeon sat straight and looked at me...

"W-what happened?"... I asked still laughing....

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