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YN was working on her computer for her upcoming project that assigned by her uncle... Yes she works with in her uncles company as his secretary.. Well if you would be thinking of yn's parents then let me tell that she lost her parents a long ago


7 years old yn was playing in her drawing room with her soft plushie cooking food in her fake kitchen set.. When suddenly she heard her mom's loud yelling and the scene she never wanted to see... Her mom dragging suitcase while her dad pleading her with tears in his eyes, not to leave...
Yn's father : honey pls don't leave us like this we have a daughter we have to take care of her she's only 7 how this things will effect her.. Pls don't leave us (taking suitcase away from her hand) you want money right? I'll work very hard to fulfill all your demand am struggling a little bit now just give me some time honey pls I beg you (kneeling in front of her with hands joined together)

YN'S Mother :Pfftt (rolling her eyes) why can't you understand ha? (vigorously snatching her suitcase from him) am fed up of you for little things I've to wait like anything how long am gonna leave my life like this
Even I have my rights to enjoy my life to the fullest..... And finally God has blessed me with it..finally am getting a man who can fulfill all my wishes and demand.. And the thing about you and that daughter of yours(pointing towards you) just think it was an attraction and satisfaction which I got it, well you guys are becoming burden on me day by day ... So now take care of yourself am not your servent after all... So bye sweetheart (giving her husband a wink) not giving a single glance to her daughter she walked out of the house

YN was watching all this hiding behind a huge pillar of the house she can't take what her mother said tears sliding down her face continously she went to her father and wrapped her small arms around her dad's leg looking up at her father she noticed her father's emotionless face, staring at nothing bt the door where her mom left them a while ago, she said to him- dadda why mumma left us are we burden to her I promise I won't bother her anymore I will even eat my food properly, never scatter my toys around the house pls dadda ask her to come back

Hearing to her daughter's painful word he slowly looked down at her, he wiped away all the tears from his face and smiled at her and took her in his arms and said - don't worry sweetie am there for you and now you are growing up day by day so let me tell you that your mother is not going to comeback am there for you never ever think you are alone OK dear your appa will work very hard and give all the happiness OK don't cry my baby..

YN rested her head on her father's shoulder and he started patting her back to calm her down

He again stared at the place where his wife left without thinking twice.... He was so broken and determined of one thing... That he will work so hard and no matter what he will become the richest man in Korea and will take all his competitors down and make his company to be at the top

And by God's grace he stood the first among the richest mans in Korea and also his company became the leading company among all the companies
Everything was going great.. Yn's father collaborated with his brother Lee Michael for the growth of the company and fortunately it outcome was unbelievable each and every customer was satisfied with companies services and product
Yn's Michael uncle was a good man and his wife was the same they treated yn as their own daughter Michael's wife Lydia treated yn as she was her second daughter well first was jennie yn's cousin Jennie use to stay in London for her education purpose

Everything was going great but little did anyone know was that yn's father's condition was getting worse day by day, he can't take the trauma of his wife, it came to the point where he thought taking away his life was the best way to get a rid of his feeling and that's what he did he committed suicide before transferring all his will in the name of her daughter and his father equally

This was the first thing that broke yn completely and yn's uncle decided to take total responsibility of yn and decided to give all the love and care of her father

YN was completely broken this was the first thing that she faced something cruel like this but she decided to keep this pain to herself because she didn't want the Comfort, love of her uncle and aunt to be taken away from her . She didn't want people around her or her left family to think her that she is BURDEN to them

From that day onwards she decided to share all her pain, her feelings with her bestie JIYEON.. YN knew it that no matter what Jiyeon will never leave her she'll always stay by her side. They shared each other's pain, happiness, supported each other in good and hard times and this what made them to stick together they were comfortable, happy, and sometimes wild in each other's company


She was working like a robot in her room on laptop her fingers working skillfully on the keyboard like a professional trainer. She was so into work when a sudden knock diverted her mind she mumbled a small 'come in'


There was a knock on the door which distracted me I mumbled 'come in', enough for the person outside to hear

When the door creaked open I took a glance at the door only to see my pops(uncle) smiling cheerfully at me. I returned the smile with the same gesture and asked him to come in.
"hi pops what's up come in na, Why you are standing there" (removing my glasses)giving him space to sit down on my bed
Pops-"look at the time dear its past nine and you are still working.. What is this darling? You should sleep well you know, or else it will effect your health and u know what I dont want my princess to look like zombie in her wedding"

He was continuously lecturing me i just looked down smiling mischievously dangling my legs back and forth.. But his last sentence made me stop my movements I immediately looked at him with wide eyes and by my facial expression he understood that I didn't got a single hint of what he was saying so he continued further

Pops :yes dear you are getting married in next 5 weeks and you will be glad to know with whom you are getting married to... To JEON JUNGKOOK..

My eyes widened more at the news, my uncle knows that I have a massive crush on jungkook since graduate years. I immediately wrapped my arms around him and gave him a bone crashing hug.

I looked at him with all happiness, excitement, etc

He just chuckled at me and continued explaining me he said-well JEON'S company is collaborating with us and we decided to make our bond stronger so that's what made us do this". He smiled at me and I returned the same

My smile immediately turned into a frown when something hit me
"wait, jungkook don't have problem with this , right? I don't want to do anything against his will.

He smiled at me & said -" no my dear I asked his father about jungkook and i even had a conversation with jungkook too and he said that he would be more than happy if we tie knots with them"

Hearing this I gave him another bone crashing hug "OMG! OMG!! Thank you pops thank you so much"

He stumble back a little bt maintain his posture, laughing he patted my back and said "it's ok my princess anything for you dear"

Hello your author here 😊so this was the first chapter of the story I hope you all enjoyed it 😊😘🤭
Pls give your love to my story and don't forget to leave votes

See you in the next chapter... Bye... SARANGHAE 💜😘😊

Happiest birthday to our president KIM NAMJOON... I WISH YOU A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE😘💜💜💜


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