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jiyeon's pov:

I was marching back and forth in my hall , impatiently waiting for Jungkook to come cos unless and untill I dont see him it would be hard for me to even breath,
all of sudden my door bell rang taking all my attention to it,
without wasting any seconds I just rushed towards the door and opened it only to see jungkook waiting for me.

I felt like I got my conscious self back
"he-" he was about to say something but I cut him off and engulfed him in a tight hug and breaking down in his Arms.

"do you know how worried I was," I said sobbing hard resting my head on his chest
and making my hold tight around him.

jungkook's Pov :

as soon as the door was opened I met with a crying jiyeon attacking me with her big hug, however the hug was accepted but not the 'crying jiyeon'

i swear I've got two ladies and both of them are such a cry baby. I was just patting her back and rubbing it softly trying to calm her down, but this girl it's like convincing a dad for his daughter.
"calm down sweetheart nothing happened" I said picking her up as she wrapped her legs around my torso and hiding her face in the neck.
I took her to the hall making sure the door is lock and took a seat on the couch with her still being on top of me.

"youknowhowscaredIgot,Ifeltlike slappingmyself" she said everything with his head being rested on my shoulders and her voice was almost a whisper, whatever she said, it was gibberish to understand but however I manged to under and made her look at me by cupping her face,
I looked at her swollen eyes still full of tears also her swollen lips,

I didn't knew what to say to her at that moment, so I did what I felt was right and knew that thing definitely would work.
I just kissed her softly by cupping her
face and she was shock for a while but after few seconds she did kiss back cupping my Jaws, I just pulled her more towards me by her hips and she wrapped her arms tight around my neck not breaking the kiss.
after a while we pulled back to catch our breaths, I looked at her who was breathing heavily, her eyes were still wet with all the tears but she wasn't crying anymore.

"am sorry my kookie I will never let you go ever again never ever in my life" she said cupping my face and caressing my jaw as a tear slide down her eyes.
hearing this from her was such a beautiful feeling, I just held her hands and kissed the back of her hand smiling at her
"I won't be going anywhere sweetheart" I said caressing her palms with my thumb and looking at her with all the emotions of love and care

next what she did just made me coo at her, "you going away from me is a far away thing am not letting you go anywhere" she said as she wrapped her hands around me tightly with her head being rested on my shoulders.

"oh really sweetheart?" I asked chuckling at her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"oh yes" she said sniffing.

Author's Pov :

both of them were spending their hours of  time cuddling each other with their sweet talks, how the day has been, how the past has been to both them,
how the things were different if they were married together, sharing sweet little pecks.

on the other hand at jeon's mansion yn was doing the cleaning of the house doing all the household chores, she was doing utensils when again her phone's ringtone distracted her from her work.
she took a look at the dining table as her phone's screen lighted up.

"now who it is" she muttered to herself and washed her hands in a hurry before the calls gets disconnected.
wiping her hands with the mini towel she rushed towards the dining table but as soon as she reached the table the call got disconnected after 30 seconds ring

"Ashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" yn heaved a sigh with a pout and unlocked her phone to check who was the person calling, and when she got to know she smiled brightly
"mommy!" she exclaimed and was about to give a ring back but stopped when the same person none other than her mommy calling her.

she immediately slide the screen to the  green colored icon

"hey -"
she was about to greet her but stopped when her mommy flooded her with tons of questions
"yn-ah! girl why didn't you pick the call up girl"

here we go again

yn Chuckle at her and shook her head
"mommy!!" she said dragging the word to calm the lady down who was flooding her with the questions already
"take a deep breath firstly mommy and I was doing nothing washing dishes and when I was about to pick up your call I was late already"
yn said explaining her everything.

"aish this girl! should have told me sweetie" she replied making to form an expression saying 'oh really"

"oh am very sorry mommy I won't do it again" yn said shaking her head at her aunt's behavior
and making her way towards the sink to continue with the dishes.

her aunt just chuckled to her apologies "how are you doing my sweetie honestly me and your popps actually miss you alot my dear" her aunt said with clearly being saddened with the fact that yn not staying with them anymore its obvious for any parents to miss their daughter even tho her aunt and her uncle was not her biological parents but being with yn and seeing her grow in front of them it didn't made her less than their own daughter.

after listening to her aunt she stopped for a moment as her heart felt heavy thinking about her aunt and uncle and sudden urge of meeting them appeared.

"I m-missed you more mommy" she said with her cracked voice and not wanting to break down on the phone she blinked away her tears.

"that's why my honey your in laws and we have decided to meet you and jungkook today hearing this yn gasped out of happiness
" really"!!?.
she asked being excited making her aunt chuckled and nod at the same time
"yes sweetie today evening around 8pm so be ready ok"
her mom said making yn more excited
suddenly yn remember something and before her aunt could hung up
she stopped her
"mommy mommy" she said making her aunt stop "yea sweetie" she said
"mommy ji called me today morning and she wasn't looking fine to me pls do call her and check on her OK"
yn said being concerned about her best friend again as the early morning moments crossed her mind
"oh what's wrong honey? is she OK?" her aunt  asked being concerned too
"yea mommy it's like she was looking tensed about something"
"oh don't worry sweetie I'll check on her and will make sure she is fine ok" her aunt said making yn giggle
"thanks mommy love you" yn said
thanking her and after getting a love you back as a reply the call ended .
yn then continued with her household chores


OK so here's the update angels and I want to say few things today actually.
so firstly I know most of you actually don't like jiyeon and jungkook moments but my angels character of jiyeon is the part of the main leads  and yes she is actually the reason why the story is being continued.
just imagine if the character of jiyeon is disappeared the whole story will end there itself. I was about to put the whole chap only for three of them but then I thought its better I'll explain everything first to you guys and then put it.
Ik her bond with jungkook actually pissing everyone but I'll just make sure and try my best  that ending is satisfactory.
now secondly about the updates, I actually wasn't going to update today and  I'll tell you the reason why I update late at nights
I actually have a job of nine hours and after doing my nine hours of shift I've to rush back home and have my family too and today It was actually a offering day so I had to help my mum and complete my shift too but I actually thought of giving the updates cos I knew some of my readers were eagerly waiting and I didn't want to disappoint them.
hope you guys enjoy it and purple you all angels.

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