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(OK so I edited this chapter.
Now you can read it as there's no mistake in it anymore)

Jungkook's Pov :

My eyes opened slowly at the warm feeling in a chilled environment.
I moved a bit making the covers or duvets to move as well and then I realised I was covered with duvets.
I sat on the bed still half asleep and scratching my head.

How did I end up here now.

I thought to myself and looked around finding yn on the couch sleeping comfortably and peacefully with my shirt which is closed to her chest and then all the moments which had happened few hours ago came back
Rushing to my mind.
I sighed rubbing my temples a bit and looked at the window thinking of yn.

Anger was not for you yn it's for the situation we're stuck into, you're not at the fault but I don't know why you're the only person who crosses my mind when I feel angry about this.

Turning my head towards yn's side I smiled a bit to myself looking at her sleeping figure. Not knowing what to do I looked up at the ceiling with a blank mind.

What wrong she did to you jungkook? Being your wife she's doing her job.
Shes not even aware of the fact that what her husband is doing behind her back. She doesn't deserve this treatment. She's innocent here...

And here you go with the inner voice again. Again it's making me feel guilty of what am doing.
I sighed and just rested back,
Closing my eyes I started thinking of my future.
How am going to continue my married life this way what impact
Will it going to have it on both the families if we get separated.

And worst of all how and what yn will feel? I don't know a part of me just want yn to be happy and have this beautiful smile of her to be alive forever.
I looked at her figure sleeping peacefully with my shirt closed to her chest. I chuckled to myself getting up and heading to her way and sat beside her direction.

There was a feeling of taking her in my arms and just peck her continuously.
I looked at her facial features
Her rosy cheeks her tempting lips her glossy neck I gulped hard looking away.

What the fuck is wrong with you jungkook
You love jiyeon not yn what the fuck are you doing Huh!!?.

I shut my eyes tight stood up from my
place feeling disgusted of my own self, which made table near me move and obviously make a thud voice which didn't fail to make yn up.
I cussed my self and
saw her flinching she stood up as well
From her place and rubbed her eyes and wiping her drool from the side of her lips which made me feel like slamming her against the wall and kiss her hard..

Wait, what an actual fuck what in the hell are you thinking Jeon jungkook
Are you fucking kidding your own damn self!!!? You love jiyeon!!!!

I frowned looking at her as she was stumbling on her feet with my shirt still in her hands
She was blinking trying to see the surrounding clearly
as sweat was forming on her forehead

I stepped towards her to hold her in my arms as there was tightening in my chest seeing her this way.

And boom!!
there she lost her balance, she was about to fall back but I instantly
wrapped an arms around her waist catching her before she falls.
We both fell on the couch as she was on top of me on my laps, I made her sit properly on my laps my hands were still wrapped tight around her.

I patted her cheeks as her head was resting on my chest
are you ok ? talk to me sweetheart
i said as there was a weird feeling in my chest seeing yn in this state. I grabbed the glass of water which was on the near by table
sprinkling a little on my hands and then on yn's face which made her opened
her eyes slowly .
i slowly called her name out cupping her face with one hand and other hand around her waist catching her before she falls.

"what's wrong yn-ahh are you ok"? I patted her cheeks to wake her up. Luckily she opened her eyes slowly and looked back at me weakly

"Yn-Ahh are you ok -"?
I asked caressing her cheek lightly
She gave me her most beautiful smile ever and nodded her head weakly.

"yes jungkookie am just hungry"
she said with a weak voice
it didn't took me a second to engulf her in my arms more of a bone crashing hug

"you scared me yn-ahh"
i said as there was tears blocking my eyes giving a blurry view
i hugged her more making my hold around her waist tight
and snuggling into her neck sniffing her scent


Hello angels!
Hope you guys are doing well!
I know chaps are being updated late. I'm really very sorry for that angel, but I've been busy with my exams lately. I'll try to update soon as i can
But I'd also like to tell you that
Today there's a double update and the reason is your author is facing heartbreak so she's distracting herself this way haha.
Anyways so
Here's the update
Hope you guys liking it.
Pls share your thoughts on it and don't forget to vote.
Saranghae Angels
Purple you all. 💜💜💜💜

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