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I chuckled shaking my head a bit and turned the TV on watching CNN.

After what felt like 15 min, jiyeon came back with a bowl full of pasta.
Looking at the bowl I was actually not having any appetite cos I was already full of tasty pancakes yn made.

But looking at her smiley face I can't say no to her so I took the bowl from her and dig into it pretending I was actually very hungry.

Jiyeon's Pov :

I chuckled at jungkook as he was being so cute. I watched him eating pasta with my face resting on my palms.

I smiled to myself as he was so engrossed into eating.
I subconsciously brought my hand to his forehead and brushed his hair back.
He looked at me with a playful smile on his face.

"I know am handsome babe but this stares would kill me if you continue this  further "
He said playfully which made me embarrassed of my dumb self.

I huffed with a red face and hit his arm
"stop it kookie"
I said rolling my eyes at him.
He finished eating and looked at me with his mouth full of pasta chewing it.
I can't help but coo at his cuteness . As he was being very cute just like a child.

I wiped his mouth with a tissue and took the bowl from him heading to the kitchen.

Jungkook's Pov :

Her cute and caring gestures towards me was just so warming. I followed her to the kitchen and watched her doing the dishes.
I wrapped arms around her waist from back and sniffed her scent.
She chuckled which made me look at her.

"why babe is laughing"?
I asked her squeezing her waist a bit hard which made her jump but she continued doing her dishes.

"Cos jungkookie is being too cute"
She answered shaking her head.
I internally Chuckled as my eyes landed on her glossy neck.
I gulped hard and looked at her side profile for a moment.
I placed soft kisses on her neck which she immediately respond by stopping her work and gasping..
I smirked and continued kissing her neck slowly to her shoulders.
She leaned her head back and moaned lightly and very slowly which made me raise my brows.

I looked at her for a second and found her head tilted a bit and eyes closed.
I smirked mentally and turned her around.

She opened her eyes and looked down totally blushed.
I chuckled looking down at her and lifted her chin up meeting her eyes.
I softly pecked her lips and kissed her neck again.

But we were interrupted by phone's ringing
I groaned and looked at her.

"I'll check it" she said with her soft and very low voice more like a whisper.
I nodded following her to the drawing room.

She stopped at her moment when she saw the caller ID and looked at me with a very anxious face.
I frowned cod I was clueless who'd be calling her.
I gave her a questioning look she showed me her phone which was ringing and it was displaying yn's ID.

Jiyeon's Pov :

Jungkook's facial expression changed when I showed him my phone.

"let it ring don't pick it up". He said shutting his eyes and rubbing his temple.
I sighed letting it ring and sat on the couch.

"but why she's calling you at this time"?
He asked placing his hands on his hips.

"Its normal I do get her call everyday"
I answered sighing and rested my back on the couch and sense of guilt taking over me again.

WHY ME?? (JJK FF)✔️Where stories live. Discover now