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Author's Pov :

making their way towards the kitchen Jungkook placed yn on the kitchen counter and bowed infront of her "your order madam" yn just laughed at his silly behavior , making Jungkook look at her adorably

"well for now young I would like you to bring that dishes on the dining table here "she said pointing towards the dining area crossed her arms against her chests playing along with the act , Jungkook just chuckled at her and nodded "sure madam" he squid bowing to her before going to dining area and bringing up the dishes placed on the dining table

he bought the plates to her and placed it beside her rubbing his hands together in the sense of waiting for her nest order , yn just giggled at him

"hmm~ so young man would like you to heat up the food " she said more like ordering him to do so , Jungkook raised a brow at making her giggle more " ah ha is this how you treat your customers hmm? come on come on don't make me call your manager and complain to him about you do it do it" she said making trying not to giggle and crossed her legs , one above the other trying to maintain a straight face making her look more cute ,

Jungkook was enjoying this playful side of yn he was adoring her , so he just played along trying to be an obedient servant " oh sure sure ma'am ,and that's so thoughtful you have not complained about me to manger yet thank you so much for that" he said to her more in a sarcastic tone as if she was doing a big favor for him making yn laugh at him , he kept the food in the microwave for heating it up and came back to her and stood on the opposite side of the counter infront of her who was enjoying commanding her husband ,

"hey go and get fresh jungkookie ill get done with the dishes" she said climbing down the counter limping towards the microwave , Jungkook was about to say something but she placed a finger on his lips "aye no argument its an order want me to phone your management now hmm?" she said again with her playful tone trying to be strict but it made her look more adorable and Jungkook chuckled and shook his head as no and tried to bite her finger which was on his yn

"ay"!!! she giggled and pulled her hands back immediately and was about to hit hid arm but then stopped on her tracks when she saw the bandages , "you you you mister now you're gone your salary is gonna be on hold for next month" she said narrowing her eyes at him and was threatening him playfully , "oh yea yea miss whatever Mrs. jeon" he said and walked passed her bumping her shoulder lightly and playfully.

rolling her eyes at him and laughing to herself on their silly behavior she checked the food in the microwave there were more few minutes left for food to get heat it up completely.

after a while food was warm up and yn took it out placing it on the plates for herself and for Jungkook too, after a while Jungkook got fresh and came down as well in white shirt and his sweat pants he had his upper three buttons unbuttoned and as soon as he come down he say yn was busy preparing preparing food for them he was making his way towards her and when she sense someone's presence she looked towards the direction and a bright smile appeared on her seeing the person

"oh you are back already come come lets have dinner" she said gesturing him to come towards her , Jungkook was just admiring her beautiful smile, her gestures, her voice, her giggles, her laugh everything
he was finding it very cute.

chuckling he made his way towards her brushing his hair back yn handed him his plate, "here you go young man" she said and started having her own food "oh thank you so much ma'am , thank you for being so kind" Jungkook said taking a bite of his food and looking at her with a playful smile, yn was having her food but she stopped chewing when she heard to what he said , yn rolled her eyes at him and chuckling to herself she continued chewing her food and shook her head , she gulped the bite of her food and bowed to him "oh its totally fine young man, my pleasure" she said to him and they both ended up laughing.

there was a silence for a while not like they were uncomfortable about it , trying to come up with the conversation " how was your day" Jungkook asked still eating his food , yn just shrugged her shoulders and said "day was actually very good today" she said emphasizing the "very" word cos day was quite hard for her as she actually met with an accident and after seeing her husband with his bleeding arm she wasnt feeling much better after that, Jungkook raised a brow and continued eating his food nodding to her in the sense of acknowledgement .

"what about you" yn asked taking another bite of her food and looked at Jungkook waiting for his answer , "well had a meeting with my old friend and he is actually signing deal with us and definitely its gonna be very profitable " Jungkook said with a hint of excitement in his voice . Yn with a bright smile looked at him "really!! congratulations!!"she said with her cheerful voice making Jungkook chuckle at her "thanks sweetheart" he said winking at her and continued with his food however his wink made yn blush but she maintained a cool posture "Dad will be happy to know this right" he said looking at yn making yn chuckle "ofc he will be very happy in fact he will be very proud" she said making him smile too

she soon realized the conversation with Mrs. jeon and slapped her forehead lightly gasping "god how could i forget this" she said making Jungkook frown at her " as you know I met mom today and she told me that somi is going to be here next week " she said with an excited tone making jungkook surprised too.

"Damn! really?? that annoying ass is gonna be here with us?" jungkook said being happy with the news and finishing his food.

"haww how mean jungkookie you shouldn't call her that" she said slapping his hands lightly making jungkook chuckle,

"kidding sweetheart am actually excited to meet her" he said having a glass of water and gulping it down in one go

"even me, am too excited to meet her, like she was supposed to be present at the time of wedding but she wasn't I wonder why" yn said taking her plate and jungkook's plate to the sink and washed it up.

"no sweetheart, actually yk right how the work of a doctor is? even i was upset that she wouldn't be able to make it up at the wedding but then later when I got to know that she had to Perform an surgery and it was critical I let it slide" he said and took a glass of water for yn too but when he noticed her hands were busy doing the dishes he himself made her drink it and wiped her mouth with the kerchief there placed on the table,
yn was somehow feeling so overwhelmed by jungkook's sweet treatment.

muttering a thank you to him they continued their conversation for while how they spend their days, what's the fav things they like and dislike , however yn was having alot of ideas about his likes so she was answering to the questions before jungkook could, and when she was asked how does she know it by jungkook yn just shrugged her shoulders.
On the other hand jungkook was shocked when he got to know that yn has a cool business mind when they were discussing about the business deal they had in the past and everything ,

"why you never thought of handling your own business yn-ah you got such a talent definitely if you start up with your own business it's going to be flourished and very successful"
jungkook said being totally impressed with her

chuckling yn just shook her head as no
"no no jungkookie its just I think too much about little things that's why my mind works more than it should be working and starting up a business is a whole new thing, am only good at providing details or giving ideas not more than" she said trying to just laugh it off the the thought of having her own business but jungkook knew having a business mind like yn could be very profitable to his company.

jungkook just nodded to what he said,
"I see now, you play a big role why Lee Pvt. ltd has been so famous internationally, Cos people there have amazing business ideas, born talent"
he said looking at her making yn Chuckle.

jungkook actually was thinking of making yn join Jeons Cooperation but he decided not to rush so he just let it slide for the time.

talking to each other for a little more while both of them were having a good conversation, discussing of this and that cracking jokes they were enjoying, which eventually made their bond to grow more and however both of them were getting comfortable with each other and enjoyed each other's company.

spending some more time In talking to each other, both of them decided to head to their bedroom and sleep.

Hello angels, here's the another update, the whole chap was on reader's demand, many of my angels wanted to ynkook moment and have been getting dms for the same, so here's it hope you guys like it, and yes there will be another update tomorrow
puple you all

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