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Author's Pov :

YN's Pov :

he is definitely mistaken I know it Couldn't be her, definitely not
that's not even possible yesterday evening she came back how's it even possible for her to be here she wasn't the one he saw i know very its not her

the whole time yn was talking to herself on her way back home, as soon as Stuart noticed yn coming he frowned seeing her so disturbed and murmuring something to herself
she was shaking her head as no and shaking her hands as well in the sense of denying something.

Stuart just rushed towards her and
held her both the shoulder
"yn what the hell is wrong!?" he said shaking her trying to snap her back from her thoughts but yn it was so hard for her to take this news, it was next to impossible for her

she looked at Stuart who was looking at her being all restless
with her wide  eyes which had tears in it.

"opppa it's a big misunderstanding ok? I'm telling you it's a lie it's a misunderstanding maybe he is pranking or something I know it's a understanding am telling you oppa it's not true " she said as her hands were rested on his chest and she was having a terrified expression cos of the miserable thoughts.
Stuart being clueless on what she was saying but got scared when he noticed yn was having a panic attack

engulfing her in his arms he started patting her head and rubbing her back with his another hand, yn on the other hand burried herself in his arms as her both the hands were together on her chest and clasping it tightly still murmuring the same words again.
Stuart was shocked and confused at the same time shocked to see yn at this state and confused cos he wasn't having any idea what's the reason behind it,
cos he clearly remembered that yn was all happy and cheerful when she left the house.

"calm down yn-ah! calm down nothing happened shuhhh!" he said pulling back from the hug and cupping her face
"yn look at me! look at me yn-ah"
he said patting her cheeks as she was in her own denying to accept something shaking her head as no she looked at him as a year rolled down her eyes

"oppa ill die oppa if it's true in a-any way" she said breaking down in his arms
Stuart on the other hand decided to take her home as it wasn't appropriate and the right place either.

"let's go home"
he said as her one hand was protectively wrapped around her shoulders as he was walking her slowly to the house.
as soon as they reach the house, Stuart made her sit on the couch and he rushed to the kitchen to get her a glass of water,
yn Started having hiccups and she was breathing heavily cos of her excessive cryings.

soon enough Stuart rushed to the hall and with a glass of water in his hands he sat beside her and brought the glass towards her and his one hand on was on her head caressing it lightly.
with her hiccups she drank the water and Stuart patted her back lightly and took the glass when she  was done drinking the water.
when yn's tears dried up and Stuart realised its the correct time to ask her what's the matter exactly
he called her softly and she looked at him with an expressionless face.

"what's the exact issue sweetie? I know definitely something is up tell me what it is?" he said with a very concerned face

a tear rolled down from her dried eyes as she just shook her head and chuckled.

"you know what oppa never in my life i felt so miserable so numb about anything. I've been through alot earlier but you know I've never felt so broken and you know what never let me break down or gave up on anything it was none other than my best friend oppa"
she said with her glassy eyes and a smile on her face thinking about her best friend
"but today i dont know what to do
I know my best friend is the best person in the whole damn never in million years she would do anything that could hurt me or break me am just crying over all the possibilities if it's unfortunately true in any way" she said as tears onec again made its way and she hide her face in her hands and massaging her temples.
Stuart looked at her and he observed how she was losing every hope, how restless she was.

sighing he took her hands and made her look at him.
her eyes which showed nothing but pain somehow hurt Stuart as well. As the cheerful eyes aren't cheerful anymore.
"yn-ah I don't know what's the matter of you and your best friend but if you're having a battle between your mind and your heart just always listen to your heart cos at least you would be at peace no matter what it leads to in future
but at least it won't be destroying you this way" he said looking deep in her eyes
making her think the whole situation again.
"my mind and my heart both aren't ready to accept something unacceptable oppa"
she heaving a tired sigh and rested her back on the couch.

"Then don't stop thinking about it so much yn-ah don't accept it, don't lose any hope, don't just cry over something you're not even sure about, over thinking always destroy the present you"
he said making her nod in understanding.

soon enough there was a knock heard on the door diverting both of their attentions.


Any guesses who it would be?
anyways here's the update hope you guys like it.

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