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Jungkook's Pov :

I was driving looking straight at the road.
My mood was totally ruined by that damn call.
Clenching my jaw I slammed my hands on the steering wheel,cussing numerous cuss words in my mind.

"fuck this call"! I said gritting my teeths and clenching my jaw.

I harshly stopped in front of my mansion and threw the car keys at the gate keeper,which he didn't fail to catch it.

"fucking park it" I said heading straight to the entrance of my door and banging on it.

I clenched my jaw as the door wasn't opened.
I started ringing the bell hard with my clenched jaw.

Yn's Pov :

After having a talk with jiyeon, I was in the kitchen cooking something for the lunch.
And then all of sudden I heard bangings from the hall side.

"What's that now? "

I thought to myself and washed my hands in the sink before heading to the hall.
But the one on the other side was actually very impatient. As the banging on the door got harder

"Damn what's the problem and where's the security guards how can they allow someone like this to even reach our entrance".

I was thinking to myself and was just a little afraid to open the door now.
I snapped back from my thoughts when the person on the other side started ringing the door bell vigorously.

"Damn it!".

I was little pissed at this person's manners now.
I rushed towards the door and quickly opened the door.


I was about to out burst on the said person but shut my self down after looking at him.
It was none other than jungkook.
I smiled but it dropped after looking at his face which showed he was clearly pissed.

"Jungkook y-"

I was about to say something but stopped myself as he entered the house ignoring me and with his quick steps he went near couch and sit on it resting his head back closing his eyes
I quietly watched him doing all this glued to the door.

I wasn't sure of asking him about what happened? what's the matter? why he's pissed?
And all,
But to calm my curious and worried self down I closed the door behind me slowly not making any noise I approached him and with a slow steps I stand near the couch not knowing how to start the conversation, I tried calling him softly by his name.


I called him softly tilting my head a bit trying to read his mind.

I flinched when he stood up straight and looked at me with a rage.
I frowned cos I didn't knew what wrong I did.

"can't find peace for a second"
Jungkook said muttering himself and Rolling his eyes but it was enough for me to hear.
There was a pang in my heart. I took steps back when he started walking towards me.
And then I realised he was heading upstairs.

I followed him and tried once
"j-jungkook what happened is everything ok?".
I said following him but stopped at my track when jungkook did the same

He was at the first step of the stairs and turned around giving me deadliest glare ever.
Clenching his jaw he shut his eyes and rubbed his temple.

" look pls don't disturb me for now I just need some alone time and space so pls leave me alone".
He said showing his index finger pointing at me more like warning me.

I nodded hesitantly and blinking few times.
I tried asking him again but shut my mouth when he gave me his last glare and left heading to the bedroom.

"but what's wrong jungkookie?".
Looking at his figure which was Heading to the bed room, I said to myself more like a whisper.

I sighed and sat on the couch resting my head in my palms massaging it a bit.
Jungkook's glaring face flashed my mind and I remembered what he said about having a mental peace.

I shut my eyes and tried not to be a cry baby.
I looked at our bed room and decided to approach him again.

I stand up and started heading upstairs but stopped on my track.

Not the correct time, maybe he needs some space try it after some time
He'll get better till then.

I sighed tiredly not knowing what to do I went back to my place.
Bringing my knees close to my chest I looked at nothing but straight.

"What must have happened that made him so angry?"

I thought to myself and sighed worriedly.

Jungkook's Pov :

Taking my shirt off I threw it God knows where.
I took a seat on the bed fisting my hands tight in ball.
I was in the mood to murder someone.

" ugh fuck it man "!
Muttering to myself I decided to head to the balcony to get some fresh air.
As soon as I entered into gallery.
Fresh air hit my face. I closed my eyes and trying to calm my nerves down.
I recalled everything that happened few moments ago.

Who should I blame for this?
Myself for loving jiyeon but not yn?
This marriage was by force I didn't even want it on the first place what kind of thing I'm stuck into it.

I opened my eyes staring straight at the blue sky.
Sighing I shaked my head and with a pissed mood head inside my room back and brushed my hair back.

Laying lifelessly on to the bed I looked up at the ceiling. My mind was having ton of thoughts.
I sighed and closed my eyes.

"let's see where it takes us".
I thought and decided to not think about it.


Hello angels,,
Here's another update for you guys hope you like it.
Enjoy reading, I purple you all 💜

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