14 - Game night

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Munich - November 25th 2016, 19:08

I sit down, letting out a content sigh, setting my bowl of pasta on my lap. I was happy to finally be able to relax after a harsh day, famished because I somehow managed to forget to eat lunch. I reach for my remote, opening the YouTube app on my tv and going on the ISU's channel. As I'm about to click on the live stream that was about to begin I hear someone banging on my front door repeatedly.

I'm a bit startled as I get up considering the fact that I'm not expecting anyone, I make my way to the door with furrowed brows.

"Hey Nick, what-" I swing the door open, only to reveal a very distraught looking Christina. She was wearing sweatpants that looked more like pajamas than anything else, her hair soaking wet even though it's not raining outside.


"Chris, a-are you okay? What happened?!" I ask, stepping aside to let her in.

"I really don't wanna talk about it... Can I just sleep here tonight... Please?"

"Okay... Y-yeah of course. Why's your hair wet?"

"Oh, uh just got out of the shower" she breaths out, looking like she's about to start crying.

"Christina... Please talk to me, if something happened you can tell me! I mean I know we're not the type of friends that spill all their emotions all over the floor but-"

"I know! I just don't want to talk about it just yet..."

"Alright then..." I sigh, getting a clean towel from the wardrobe along with a dry t-shirt and hand them to Christina "The blow dryer is in the bathroom if you want to use it and there's carbonara on the stove if you're hungry..."

"Thanks..." she mumbles, going into the bathroom to change.

"Hey, I was just about to watch the NHK trophy! Wanna join me?"

"Mmm, sure... Sounds great."

I finally sit back on my couch, grabbing my bowl of pasta and switching the live stream on. Luckily I just missed the warmup and the first skater, Mikhail Kolyada, was about to start his short program. The first warmup group was quite interesting to watch with Nathan Chen finishing first, Keiji Tanaka second and Kolyada third. Christian and I also agreed that Jason Brown put on a great performance, artistically speaking, despite the technical errors.

"Darianka, this pasta is amazing! You really make a mean carbonara..."

"Mmm, those are the perks of my Dad being in the hotel industry. He's friends with a lot of Italian chefs, and one of them was quite close with our family. Alberto is basically like my uncle so he taught me how to make it..." I explain, smiling fondly as I remember my childhood.

"You'll have to teach me! Although I hate cooking, my mom and I usually just survive on takeout..."

"I mean I don't like cooking either, I just like good food!"

"You're weird."

"Shhhh! Yuzuru's on the ice!"

"Well someone's sure excited..." she smiles, playfully nudging me with her elbow. I can still tell that she's sad, despite her efforts to conceal it.

 I can still tell that she's sad, despite her efforts to conceal it

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