61 - Grand Finale

978 40 244

Somehow I end up right back where I started, standing at the edge of the rink, far enough to remain unseen but close enough to watch Yuzuru skate to Notte Stellata in awe, transfixed by what he was doing. It still amazed me how someone could feel the music so deeply all while being able to interpret it in the right way and express all those emotions through his skating. He wasn't just skating to a song, it almost became a part of him, his beautiful choreography drawing every viewer in, closer and closer until you start holding your breath in anticipation, not even daring to blink in case you miss even a second of his performance.

"Ha! The prodigal niece returns! Missed you at practice this morning!" I hear a voice behind me, followed by the sound of a door clicking shut. I snap out of my daze, my eyes immediately landing on the owner of said voice: the one and only Scott Moir aka the crazy uncle that still acts like a teenager at the family reunion. I smile at him, only noticing Tessa behind him when she smacks the back of his head playfully, shushing him when he was about to retaliate.

"I was never gone you know..." I smile, making sure that Yuzu was already at his final spin before going to hug both of them, lingering in Scott's strangely comforting and tight embrace "Just took some much needed time to myself... And I actually left early this morning, doctors appointment."

"We know! Don't let this one make you feel bad for taking care of yourself!" Tessa chastises Scott, sending him a warning look that I personally would not want to mess with, before flashing me another one of her beautiful, radiant smiles "I liked your performance earlier! It was really emotional and that dress looks stunning on you..."

"Thanks Tess, unfortunately that seems to be an unpopular opinion today..." I huff, peeling myself away from Scott who kept an arm draped over my shoulder "Speaking about stunning, I have never seen a free dance as beautiful as Moulin Rouge! Gold looks great on you two!"

"Thanks kiddo!" Scott beams, and I look up just in time to see the smile he directed at his partner, so obviously filled with love and adoration "Duty calls though, we gotta get on the ice to announce the finale!"

"See you out there!" I call after them, pointedly ignoring Alina Zagitova who just trails after them shyly. The moment I am left alone, surrounded only by the loud clapping and cheers for Yuzu,  the reality of it all sinks in again. In a few minutes I'm supposed to join everyone in a cheerful celebration of a what I essentially saw as a scam. One that cost me my gold medal. The Olympic gold medal. I sigh and rub my temples, trying to chase all those thoughts away, hoping to at least be able to enjoy the event, celebrating all my friends' victories. It's not like there's anything I can do about it now. I hear nearby footsteps and remove my hands from my face, just to see Yuzu turning the corner in the hallway.

Did he seriously just walk right past me without uttering a single word to me?

I supposed I did kinda deserve it but I had hoped he would turn out to be more mature and forgiving than I would usually give him credit for. But once again I wasn't one to speak and everyone's entitled to be pissed off, even if the timing happened to be less then ideal.

Run away Hanyu, you'll have to come back soon enough anyway.

I snap my eyes back towards the hallway when I hear approaching footsteps, quickly looking away with a disappointed sigh when I realize it's just the pair skaters, including Nick who had the decency not to even attempt eye contact, making their way on the ice for the beginning of the finale. Soon enough the ice dancers also start piling in and I waste no time in congratulating Maia and Alex as soon as I spot them in the crowded hallway, exchanging a few short hugs with the pair before it's their cue to appear on the ice.

Gold, love and mint tea (Yuzuru Hanyu )Where stories live. Discover now