65 - Ancient History

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I sigh contently after swallowing my last piece of Korean fried chicken, passing the empty takeaway box to Yuzuru who just smiles - or smirks, I could hardly tell from that angle - at me. "Better?"

"Mmm," I acquiesce wordlessly before letting myself collapse on the mountains of pillows that were propped up against the headboard of my bed. I take a few moments to breathe, too full from our heavy breakfast - if you dare call it that - and focus on hopefully not letting the food come back up. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten, no, inhaled it with such urgency. You'd think I'd been starving for months. The silences stretches out a bit longer before I speak, mindful to keep my hands in the air as to not stain everything in sight with grease and spicy sauce. "Much... Though you know what would have made it better?"


"If I didn't have to get it," I respond, stealing a side glance at Yuzuru quickly enough to catch the slightest of eye-rolls. Maybe I was starting to rub off on him. I snort at the thought, lazily looking around for a napkin to wipe my fingers. "Would have been great to just sit here and look mediocre while you fetch me food."


"It's a synonym of get," I clarify distractedly, still on the hunt for a napkin or a tissue. "Just a tad bit more condescending, I suppose."

"Well I couldn't risk you running away," Yuzuru counters, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. He quirks a brow at me as I, still having the decency to do so, look away shamefully. I squeak in surprise when licks my thumb clean of sauce before attacking it with a paper towel. "And you." He continues, licking my index finger. "Do not." Middle finger. "Look." Ring finger. "Mediocre." Pinky. "Ever."

It's my turn to arch a moderately practiced - nowhere close to Christina's skills but I'll get there eventually - brow, unexpectedly not weirded out by all the... Finger licking? Okay maybe a little weirded out but he had a way of making anything look... hot. "I'm surprised you know what it means..."

"I'm an educated man-"

"Who said you were a man," I scoff dramatically before thoughtfully looking up at the ceiling while he cleaned off my other hand. Just with a napkin this time since there was no sauce to lick off. I was beginning to think that he just wanted more spicy sauce and that it wasn't all a well devised master plan to charm my pants off and see that, very uncomfortable might I add, red thong he had bribed me into wearing. The evil not man had used mint tea as leverage! Mint tea! "You're more of a... Guy?"

He repeats after me, gaping at me and clearly affronted by my words."A guy?"


"Just a guy?"

"Just a guy who happens to be my boyfriend," I shrug with feigned nonchalance, pointing a my finger at him matter of factly. "But notice how its boyfriend and not manfriend?"

"Say that again," he grins, all signs of indignation abruptly gone.

I frown at him, not following where he was going with this. "What?"

"That I'm your boyfriend."

"You are..."

"But say it," he requests pleadingly just as understanding dawns on me and my lips stretch into a mischievous smile of their own accord.

I decide to play dumb, for no other reason than it was rather fun to sometimes act immaturely, like the child I never truly got to be. "What, that we're dating?"


"Oh that we're in a relationship?"

"N- You know what," he grumbles, rolling his eyes at me again. Before I can comment on this new habit of his, he grabs my thighs and drags me towards him to capture my mouth in a deep, spicy sauce flavored kiss. I smile against his lips, letting my hands snake into his hair as I always do. Even after a long evening function, sleep and sex it was still soft as ever, not a single tangle in sight. My own hair, a stark contrast to Yuzuru's, was nothing less than a disaster that was carelessly thrown into a messy bun that sat on the crown of my head as I was ill equipped and unwilling to deal with the various knots in it prior to our hasty departure in search for food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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