57 - Apathy

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"Are you... actually drinking vodka from the bottle now?" Nathan snorts, looking at me with wide eyes from the other side of the bed. It was now late at night, many hours after Chris left and many drinks later. "You're crazier than I thought you were..."

"Oh please! Has Spain taught you nothing?" I giggle, demonstratively taking another gulp, looking at him with a blank face "You Americans have nothing over me!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" he laughs wholeheartedly before briskly snatching the bottle away from me "That's enough for you!"

"Hey! Give it baaaaack!" I try to reach over to the bottle but can't, unwilling to actually get up and take it away from him "It means that you American kids don't know how to drink, mainly because you start drinking properly in college. And even then you could be served piss and you'd still drink it, raving about how nice your beer is!"

"Well that's scaringly accurate, if not kinda offensive..." he chuckles, taking a sip out of his own bottle.

"Annnnnd another thing you can't do..." I snort mockingly, climbing over Nathan to pluck my precious bottle of liquid relief from the floor.

"What now?!"

"Speak. You can't speak..." I mumble vaguely, too concentrated on pouring the right amount of vodka into my tumbler.


"Well you do know that scaringly isn't an actual word, right?!" I try to quirk a brow at him but realize my face was probably twisted into a horrible grimace when Nathan bursts out in laugher, almost choking on his drink. I roll my eyes in annoyance, flipping him off and flicking a slice of lemon at him. It lands on his face, sticking to his forehead and I laugh as he peels in of himself with disgust while I try to get out what I meant to say "It's scarily! You should know that dude!"

"I'm sorryyyy! But did you just throw a lemon at me?" he struggles to say, still wheezing from his laughing fit.

"I guess I did..." I shrug, stumbling out of the bed and going back to the mini bar to get more ice that was currently melting in its bucket.

"Well I will admit that if there's something I learned in Spain this summer, it's that food and drinks taste better in Europe..." he follows me, trying to get to the bucket but I snatch it out of his grip, darting to the other side of the room, jumping over- or rather crawling over the bed.

"Dude, even our tap water tastes better-"

"Oh come on! Now you're just exaggerating-"

"And what is it with you Americans thinking 'Europe' is just one big country?!" I exclaim, waiving my arms around in protest, spilling some of the melted water front he ice cubes all over the floor as Nathan tries to approach me, hands raised in surrender.

"We do not!"

"YES YOU D- Mmmphf!" Nathan startles me by jumping forward, pining my shoulder to the wall behind me with one hand and slamming the other over my mouth, effectively silencing me.

"Stop yelling! You're gonna wake up the whole building!" he hisses, eyes narrowed at me warningly which would have probably scared me if they weren't cross-eyed.

"Ifs not emem vat leight!" I snap at him, but the sounds come out muffled and distorted by the palm of his hand.

"What did you say?" he smiles innocently and I growl in annoyance when his grip on me doesn't relax. I glance at the bucket in my hand and let it slip from my fingers, waiting for his reaction. The second he reaches for it I smack his hand away from my shoulder and grab his wrist tightly before letting my other arm to wrap around his neck.

Gold, love and mint tea (Yuzuru Hanyu )Where stories live. Discover now