60 - Politically incorrect

911 35 228

I touch up my makeup, making sure it still looks good and hasn't smudged as Chris spray yet another unnecessary coat of hair spray on my head, apparently determined to glue the intricate updo together so that it wouldn't budge for the next ten years, at the very least. I let out a deep sigh, holding my breath and closing my eyes as she moves around me, mindful not to try swatting her hands away while she's spraying since that would just result in me running to the bathroom to wash hairspray out of my eyes. And I could tell you from experience that that's not exactly what I would call a pleasant experience. Oh and I'm also not a huge fan of the temporary blindness that comes as a side effect.

I mumble a 'thanks' when I get up, going over to the bench to shimmy out of my clothes and change into the simple black costume I had picked out. It may not have been overly sparkly and shiny but I felt like it fit the mood of the music, the dress still having an air of grandness with it's big cut out, leaving my toned back completely bare as well as a long, almost transparent skirt with a slit on the side, showing off my unending legs. From what I saw while practicing in this dress the skirt flowed beautifully and the long black sleeves accentuated the delicate movements of my arms, the perfect mix of simplicity and elegance while still being beautiful.

I sit on the bench, staring into space and letting myself take a moment to work through everything I had chosen to ignore until now, starting with how guilty I felt about leaving Yuzuru's room yesterday, especially after suffering through a public gala practice session with him this morning. As it happens, the rink was filled with fans and press which meant that I had to keep my composure despite the angry glares I kept receiving, his eyes filled with hurt and more ire and disappointment than I thought possible. I supposed I deserved it considering my less than perfect behavior these last few days but I still couldn't believe that he actually ran away from me, taking a play from my own book and I had to admit that it made a good point, the feeling was decidedly unpleasant-

My train of thought is interrupted by a sharp finger snap right in front of me and I jump, startled by the sudden noise, my eyes snapping up to Christina's curious face, small smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as she spoke "What the bloody hell is up with you today?"


"Earth to Darianka! Wake the fuck up, you're on a schedule!" she exclaims, shaking my shoulder lightly and I smack her hand away, grabbing my skates and starting to lace up the right one. As I finish, wiggling my foot around to make sure that my ankle is comfortable enough, I look up at Chris, who's still standing in front of me with pursed lips, hands on her hips and a perfectly shaped eyebrow quirked in a way only she could manage, asking me her unspoken questions as if she could read me like an open book.

"What?!" I finally snap, furrowing my brows at her as I slip my foot into the second boot, starting to lace it up mindlessly, the movement having become almost automatic along the years "If you wanna stare at someone I suggest looking for the other Savchuk. Elsewhere, might I add because he's definitely not in here."

"Oh you really think you're funny, do you-"

"Yes, I do. Thank you for noticing!" I reply with a sly smirk, tone dripped in sarcasm as I push past her, collecting my water bottle and tissue box from the table that was currently overflowing with makeup and hair products.

"I see her royal highness, the bitch of sarcasm has decided to make an appearance today. Maybe it's time to find a new defense mechanism, don't you think?"

"Why? I think this one works fine..." I shrug, checking myself out one last time before heading towards the door but Chris steps in front of me, blocking my path.

"Oh really? You wanna tell me you're perfectly content with yourself right now?" she crosses her arm, giving me one of her typical knowing looks "What the fuck is up with you and lover boy? You two have been avoiding each other like the plague since this morning, acting like skittish street cats whenever you inadvertently found yourselves in close proximity to each othe-"

Gold, love and mint tea (Yuzuru Hanyu )Where stories live. Discover now