41 - Better than okay

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"No no no! This is not real pizza!" I laugh, throwing the last piece of crust into the empty pizza box "I am telling you, the crust is supposed to be thin not thick!"

"But every pizza I've eaten is like this one!" he says in his defense, leaning back on the couch and pulling me onto his chest. When we got back home from the rink Yuzuru insisted that we order in and as much as I enjoy homemade food, I don't much enjoy the process of making it. Although I had to admit that having Yuzuru basically glued to me while I cook is not something I can really complain about.

"Well that's because you live in Toronto!" I shake my head, letting my fingers play with his hair still amazed by how soft it is "I'm telling you, we're gonna go out for lunch or dinner every day until we find real pizza..."

"Talking about that, where were you during lunch today?" he asks, trying to sound casual but I could hear the underlining tone of jealousy.

"I was with Javi." I start cautiously, leaning on his chest to look up at him "You should probably hang out with him soon by the way, I think he really needs a friend right now..."

"Lunch date with Javi huh?" he smirks with raised brows, making me roll my eyes.

" That's not the point!" I laugh, giving him a playful slap on the back of his head "He wanted to buy me lunch and talk because you've been blowing him off all week so just go out for drinks with him or something tomorrow."

"Because I like spending time alone with you!"

"I know... So do I but that's not a reason to blow off your friends..." I sigh sadly, pressing my forehead against his "I should know. I did the same thing this week and it did not end well..."

"So... Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"No, not really. I just had a fight with Chris but it's gonna work itself out, eventually..."

"You and Chris never fight... Right?"

"We usually don't but this was different..." I admit with a shrug, pulling myself onto his lap with a small smile.

"But what was it about? Your fight?" he inquires, his hands settling on my lower back.

"I told you, talk to Javi." I answer firmly, a playful smirk making its way onto my lips.

"What does Javi have to do with all this?"

"You are so clueless Yuzu! We can discuss it after you talk to Javi..." I insist, silencing any further questioning with a deep kiss.

"Are you trying to shut me up?" he grins, going straight for my neck, pressing soft kiss until he got to the junction between my neck and my shoulder.

"Yes, is it working?"

"Yes." he mumbles before gently tracing the outline of my lips with his thumb, before clearing his throat and gently pushing me off him. Grabbing the empty pizza box and going to the kitchen. I follow him with a frown, watching him open random cabinets for a few minutes, pretending to look for something.

"Okay, that's enough. What was that about?" I ask, leaning on the counter with my arms crossed.

"What do you mean?" he says unconvincingly, shrugging innocently.

"You know what I mean."

"I just don't want things to get too... heated..." he admits with a sigh, leaning on the counter next to me.

"They weren't too heated Yuzu... Let me decide when it's too much for me, don't just assume." I say as softly as I could while still trying to sound firm.

Gold, love and mint tea (Yuzuru Hanyu )Where stories live. Discover now