47 - Breathin'

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AN: quick thing before you start reading! this is the dress Darianka wore to their bookstore date, its relevant to this chapter so here's a reminder :) enjoy!

AN: quick thing before you start reading! this is the dress Darianka wore to their bookstore date, its relevant to this chapter so here's a reminder :) enjoy!

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Yuzuru narrows his eyes at me across the dinner table, watching me with a concerned frown as I push food around my plate. I pretend not to notice as I slowly finish my food, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

Yuzuru clears his throat before speaking, effectively catching my attention "What's on your mind?"

"Oh, nothing. Just the triple Axel..." I confess, smiling unconvincingly.

"What about it?"

"I'm just worried that today was- That I just got lucky today..." I admit with a shrug, averting my eyes as I stab my broccoli with more force than necessary.

"It wasn't, you've been practicing for months!" he argues, pointing his fork at me before putting it down "You just needed to-"

"Believe in myself?" I chuckle, smiling at him when he gets up and walks over to my chair, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Exactly..." he whispers, softly pecking my cheek before grabbing our plates and bringing them to the kitchen "How do you want to celebrate?"

"Hmm... Let me think..." I say in an exaggerated tone, bringing the rest of the dishes to the kitchen "I distinctly remember that you promised me something if I landed it..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" he furrow his brows in confusion as he starts arranging plates in the dishwasher.

"W-well what you said..." I stammer, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks.

"That I would watch all the Harry Potter movies?"

"No! I meant what you said earlier today..."

"What are you talking about?" he chuckles, quickly pecking my cheek as he brushed past me to grab the pan from the stove.

"You said you w-would..." I mumble almost inaudibly, fidgeting with my fingers "Um well not take your hands off me all night..."

"Really? I don't remember that..." he spins around and looks me up and down, smirking. I huff in frustration and cross my arms in indignation. He laughs, shaking his head at me as he pulls me towards him by my hips.

"What do you- Are you messing with me?!" I shriek, my face becoming an even brighter shade of red.

"Maybe..." he laughs, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck and pressing me against the kitchen counter "You know what? It really is a shame that you wanted to read your book yesterday night..."

"What, why?!"

"Because that dress you were wearing..." he whispers, his lips hovering over my ear and sending shivers down my spine.

Gold, love and mint tea (Yuzuru Hanyu )Where stories live. Discover now