34 - Just friends?

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"There is no plan Chris!" I yell over my shoulder as I stomp through the hallway, towards the rink "I just wanna get my hoodie from the car if we're staying here!"

"Oh sod off! There has to be a plan!" she whines from the lounge.

"Nope! You're the one who said to just go with it. I'm going with it!" I shout before turning a corner and muttering, mostly to myself "Whatever 'it' is supposed to be..."

I make my way out to the parking lot, somehow managing not to get lost on the way. I start walking through the rows of parked cars, trying to find our rental when I spot a familiar figure walking straight ahead, obviously absorbed by whatever song was playing in his earphones. His precious custom earphones if I wasn't mistaken.

I instantly freeze mid step, right in the middle of the road, one could only hope that no cars would happen to drive through that particular row in search of a parking space... A wide grin spreads across my lips at the sight of him. Hair disheveled by the wind, his lucky charm necklaces that he always wears peeking out from underneath his skating jacket, dragging a small suitcase behind him.

However my grin fades as quickly as it appeared when I remember that I'm supposed to be mad at him. Right? For not contacting me in months after that supposed first date. Did it mean nothing to him at all?! I cross my arms and stand my ground, simply waiting for him to notice me which would hopefully happen sooner rather than later because at this rate he would just walk right into me.

My breath hitches when his eyes finally lock with mine making him stop in his tracks too. We were both just standing in the middle of the parking lot staring at each other with blank expressions, both having years of practice in masking out emotions, until he closes the gap between us by taking a few big steps towards me.

"Darianka...?" he breaths out, as if unsure that I was really standing right in front of him.

"Yuzuru." I retort dryly, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Hey..." he says with a small smile, his brows a bit furrowed, probably confused by my cold attitude.


"What are you doing here?!" he snaps out of his trance like state, suddenly becoming energetic and excited.

"Did no one tell you that I was coming to train here?" I take a step back when he moves closer towards me, making him nervous and fidgety as he tries to figure out what's going on in my head.

"Y-yeah, Brian and Javi mentioned it... But I didn't know you were coming so soon!"

"Well maybe you would have know, if you actually made an effort to keep in touch..." I reply bitterly, avoiding his gaze and suddenly finding the scuff marks on my converse much more interesting to look at.

"I know!" he blurts out, clearly having figured out why I'm distancing myself from him "I'm so sorry... I have a lot to explain but can I k- Can I h-hug you first?"

"I don't know. Can you?" I tease, my mask of indifference slipping away when I could no longer suppress the happiness I felt at the mere sight of him. His eyes drill into mine until a beautiful radiant smile appears on his lips, my own automatically mirroring his, also stretching into a wide grin as he pulls me in for a hug. He lifts me off the ground and buries his head in the crook of my neck as I wrap my hands around his neck, breathing in the scent of his hair. I crinkle my nose when I recognize the smell of coconut shampoo, different from his usual masculine scented ones.

I feel his arms tighten around my waist for a split second before he puts me down, slowly releasing me from his grip. I slightly shift my head to look at him just as he tries to plant a soft kiss on my cheek, instead his lips land right at the corner of my mouth, making both of our eyes widen as he stumble backwards, knocking his suitcase over.

Gold, love and mint tea (Yuzuru Hanyu )Where stories live. Discover now