26 - Headlines

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"So how much did you hear exactly?" I asked Christina the next morning, as soon as we woke up, hoping and praying that she hadn't overheard the entire conversation. Of course Chris enjoyed the awkward goodbye between Yuzuru and I, mocking me about it until we both fell asleep.

"Oh nothing really..." she answers with a smirk "Have you ever been in loveeeee?!"

"Ugh I knew it! You were listening!" I shriek, covering my head with my pillow.

"Only that last bit! I can't believe you said 'not yet', really!? You can't possibly be falling in love with him already..."

"Wha- Um... No... NO! I'm not..." I stammer unconvincingly. I couldn't be falling in love with him... Could I? How would I even know what love is? I wouldn't know...

"Well you're smitten at the very least..." she mumbled, frowning at something on her phone.

"I wouldn't say smitten... Charmed maybe. Or intrigued? Yeah I guess I could say that I'm intrigued and interested...?! Oh I don't kno- Chris?" I call her, noticing that she isn't paying me the slightest bit of attention to what I was saying "What. Is. So. Important. That. You. Can't. Listen. To. Me!?" I exclaim, hitting her head with my pillow between each word. Which sounded more like feral grunts than words if we're being honest.

"Uh... You might wanna take a look at this..." she said, handing me her phone, apparently unfazed by the fact that I just hit her a few times.

"What is it- Oh my god! You have got to be kidding me!!! There's no way in hell that-"

"I'm not really surprised..."

" What's so interesting about this?! We are literally just holding hands!" I exclaim, pointing to the picture of Yuzuru and I getting out of the elevator the previous night. The headline was as dramatic and scandalous as they come.

'Public display of affection at last night's celebratory banquet. Yuzuru Hanyu arrives hand in hand with the ladies world champion.'

"There's more..."

"More what?! Pictures?"

"Well yeah, there's a few of the two of you dancing and there are other articles as well..." she explains hesitantly before opening her laptop and typing 'Yuzuru Hanyu' in the search bar. I snatch it from her before gasping in disbelief at the amount of articles that popped up, all of them increasingly worse. Or maybe it just felt that way...

'Who is Darianka Savchuk? All you need to know about Yuzuru Hanyu's girlfriend'

'Figure skating world championships forming new relationships'

'Yuzuru Hanyu finally showing up in public with his girlfriend'

'First girl to melt the heart of the Japanese heartthrob, Yuzuru Hanyu'

"This is vile! And so not true! I am not his girlfriend!" I shout at the screen, anger consuming any other emotions.

"Not yet anyway..." Chris teases, wiggling her brows at me.

"You're not helping!" I whine, continuing to scroll through the never ending articles.

'Will Darianka Savchuk start training in Canada in the hopes of staying close to her new boyfriend?'

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