37 - Practice at the TCC

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I roll out of bed with renewed energy on Monday, despite it being five in the morning, going straight to the shower and letting the hot water awaken my skin in all the right ways. I quickly dry myself off with the tower shivering in the cold temperature of the house. Damn Canadians and their obsession with having the AC on at full blast all the time. I quickly get dressed, opting for my favorite black under armour leggings and the cropped long sleeved top that goes with it.

"Chris! Wake your ass up!" I shout as soon as I step out of the bathroom "I need you to braid my hair before practice!"

"Bloody hell..." she mumbles, pressing a pillow over her head in the hopes that it would muffle the sound of my voice. I shake my head at her, knowing that her brutal alarm clock is going to go off any second now. I dig through my suitcase, that I had yet to unpack, digging out a warm mint green hoodie, pulling it over my head and relishing in the warmth it provided. I make my way to the kitchen, hoping to find something edible. Instead I find Roman standing there, pilling some scrambled eggs onto a plate.

"Oh god, please tell me I can have some of that..." I beg, not taking my eyes from the food.

"It's for you. I know that this is the only thing you can eat this early in the morning." he says, pushing the plate towards me as I sit down at the kitchen island "Mint tea's in your to go cup, want some orange juice?"

"Yes please!" I answer before shoving a mouthful of eggs into my mouth "Mmphf. Dis ish sho good!"


"I said. This is so good!" I repeat, taking a sip of orange juice "You make the best scrambled eggs and you don't even eat them... How shall I ever repay you?"

"Have something healthy for lunch so that you can make carbonara for dinner?" he asks with pleading eyes.

"Deal." I chuckle, thinking back to all the times Roman begged me to share my recipe with him. I never caved so he just forced me to cook it for him whenever I lost a bet "I do make the best carbonara. But you really didn't have to make me breakfast, I could've just had a piece of toast..."

"Oh trust me, I did this for myself! You're scary when you're hungry in the morning!" he laughs while serving himself a bowl of cereal.

"Okay that's a good poin- Are you pouring apple juice in your cereal?!" I screech, looking at Roman in horror.

"Hey! Don't judge it until you try it!"

"I'm good thanks. I also seem to have lost my appetite..."


After an hour of off ice warm up and stretching I finally step on the ice, leaning down to touch it before I put on my gloves. I skate a few laps around the rink to test the ice until Brian calls us all, waiting until we all gather around him to start talking.

"Alright, hope you guys had a good weekend and got plenty of rest." he starts with a big smile "I believe all of you already know Chris, Roman and of course the ladies world champion Darianka."

I feel everyone's eyes on me and wave try to smile at everyone, feeling myself blush furiously. My eyes settle on Javi, who winks at me, making me chuckle and relax a bit.

"Now you'll soon get accustomed to our way of training, it shouldn't be too different from Misha's system but while you're still unfamiliar with ours you'll get a partner that you'll be shadowing. Roman you'll be with Jun-hwan, Chris with Javi and Darianka with Yuzu. As soon as he gets here..." Brian pauses, looking around with furrowed brows "Anyway, why don't you all start the warmup exercises. Darianka, if I may have a word."

Gold, love and mint tea (Yuzuru Hanyu )Where stories live. Discover now