30 - Birthday Girl

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I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window, feeling the hot rays of the sun penetrate the room through the windows. I've always loved to hear birds singing when I was a kid, and that usually did in the mornings whenever I came back home from early morning practice. I could always hear them through the window, even when it was closed. Hm... These birds seem really loud somehow.

I turn over to my left side in an effort to get a few more minutes of sleep and escape the sunlight which was bound to wake me up. Why are those birds so loud!? I let out an almost feral grunt, pulling the covers over my head. Now what was I dreaming about? Birds. No! Not birds. Triple axel. Yes that's right I was dreaming about my triple axel. And the Olympics. It sure felt nice to win... Those damn birds are really starting to get on my freaking nerves.


After letting out another groan I realize that those weren't birds at all. It's my damn alarm clock. I reach for my phone, angrily shutting the alarm off before letting the phone slip through my hand and onto to the floor with a loud thud.

"Sorry..." I croak out "Didn't realize that it was my alarm..."

"Well I bloody well noticed..." Chris growls at me, getting up and storming into the master bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

"GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!" I yell after her before falling back down onto my pillow "HAPPY BLOODY BIRTHDAY TO ME RIGHT?"

"OH MY GOD! HAPPY BLOODY BIRTHDAY!" Chris screams, darting out of the bathroom and jumping and straddling me on the bed before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank you Chris..." I laugh, wrapping my arms around her happily.

"My baby is 18 now! I can't believe it!" she gushes, ruffling my hair before affectionately kissing my cheek.

"Hey! I'm only a year younger than you, you can't act like a proud mama bear!" I protest, playfully slapping her hand away when she made a move to ruffle my hair again.

"Oh come on! It's rare than I'm this... Nice... And all mushy and sappy!" she says with a grimace "But I love you Darianka, happy birthday!"

"I love you too Chris..." I say with a happy sigh, pulling her into another tight embrace. And that's how Nathan found us: Chris still straddling me on the bed, both of us hugging each other with teary eyes.

"Am I interrupting something?"



We all just starred at each other for a few moments, Chris and I with amusement while Nathan appeared to be dumbstruck.

"So um..." he awkwardly cleared his throat before mumbling under his breath "I just heard you guys shouting... Just wanted to see if everything was alright..."

"Oh we're fine. Darianka is just a tad dramatic today!" Chris answers with a mocking smirk.

"Shut up! You're the dramatic one! And even if I were, I'm allowed. It's my birthday after all!" I chirp, pushing my friend off me as Nathan made his escape from the room.


After taking a quick shower and getting dressed in some comfortable summer clothes I make my way downstairs, ignoring Christina's pleas to wait for her. I was hungry, and when that's the case nothing can stand between me and my breakfast. I'm surprised to find the kitchen empty, except for Nathan who was drinking his morning coffee while reading the news on his laptop and didn't even look up at me when I walked past him.

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