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" Hey! Arn't you too close?" Andrew said to the knight who was riding beside him, his horse almost touching Andrew's.

" Sorry, have to make sure you don't plan anything funny." The knight replied.

" And if you did, then..." Another knight muttered from behind as he licked his sword.

" You know, this taunt of yours makes you look worse than us." I said.

Suddenly, the knight beside me slapped me on the head hard.

" Don't try to act cool, dirty bandit." He said in an angry tone.

" Do you think our boss will make an alliance with you if you treat us that bad?" Tom asked, who was riding beside Captain Elsa.

" As I have said before, if Metaforb gets finished , so will you. You WILL have to make an alliance." Elsa said.

" You know, Niro? I am still against leading them to our camp." Andrew said to me.

" We can hear you clearly." The knight beside Andrew muttered.

" I don't intend to hide my suspicion either." Andrew said then he looked at me.

From his stare, I was certain that he wanted me to do something.

" You know that Chris is too injured to run while Derek is still fainted." I muttered.

" Hey! Stop that weird conversation!" A knight from behind yelled.

" They are treating us like prisoners and will do the same to the group! Want that to happen?!" Andrew yelled angrily.

Suddenly, Elsa moved closer to Andrew with her horse and grabbed his throat.

" I said, no talking." She muttered in a deadly tone.

Andrew glared me one last time with his pleading eyes before Elsa pushed him back, along with his horse. Leaving her knights behind to take care of him.

And at that point, I had made my decision.

If I have to sacrifice my two friends, let it be.

" Do something funny and I will have fun with you." The knight on my right muttered.

" You a gay?" I asked, chuckling.

" What you said?! You punk?!" The knight yelled angrily.

" You deaf? He said that you are a gay." Captain Elsa said with a smirk.

Then she continued,
" If you want to do something to him, I won't stop you. Just don't kill him or knock him of his horse. That will slow us down."

" Alright Captain, thanks for permission." The knight said with a grin as he took out a dagger.

Grabbing my right arm, he muttered,

" So which design would you like to get carved?"

" Sorry you won't get time to do so." I said before quickly taking out a black ball and throwing it on the ground between us.

" What was that?" Captain Elsa asked, puzzled.

Immidiately,  the air around us was covered by smoke, making it impossible for all of us to see anything.

As the knight removed his grip from my arm to cover his mouth, I rode ahead in full speed, getting out of the smoke screen.

Lets hope that Andrew and Tom would be fine.



" Arn't they too late?" Alec asked Fowl as he closed the notebook on which he was writing.

UNEASY ALLIANCE - SEASON 1Where stories live. Discover now