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Today was the day.

The day of King Aurthor Lance's arrival.

" The hall is looking pretty fancy, right Kasmir?" King Lutkins asked with a smile as he walked around the vast, decorated hall of the castle.

" All thanks to the cooperation of Captian Lynn." General Kasmir said with a smile as he looked at Captain Lynn.

" I didn't put much efforts in it, sir." Captain Lynn said, blushing.

" Come on! Don't lie, we all know how much concerned you are with your duties!" I said as I patted Lynn's shoulder heavily.

" You aren't less concerned yourself, Elsa." King Lutkins said with a smile.

" So how much time is left in the king's arrival? I can't wait!!" Marline said with a yelp as she walked into the hall with Niro .

Or you can say, she dragged Niro with her.

" So, is our science boy ready?" General Kasmir asked with a grin as he patted Niro's shoulder.

" Yea-Yeah. Maybe." Niro stammered.

" Come on! There is nothing for you to be nervous about! King Aurthor's a human too!" Marline said as she shook Niro by his shoulder.

" I hope you didn't had much trouble with him. I know that he is a kind guy." I said to Marline.

" Nah. The only trouble I had was picking up clothes for him. He kept complaining when I was helping him in wearing the clothes." Marline replied with a smile.

" Well, I must admit that its a bit embarressing to have a girl near you while changing." I said with a chuckle.

" My friends would have helped me in selecting clothes. You shouldn't have wasted your time, Miss Marline" Niro said.

" The only friend of yours that I know is that guy with black hair. Who is he? He was a bit cute... Ah! Alec!!" Marline exclaimed.

" Nah, he doesn't have any interest in clothes. He rarely bought clothes for himself. We were the ones who had to pick up for him." Niro said with a laugh.

" From picking up, you mean plundering them from villages you raid, right? " Captain Lynn asked.

" Lynn." General Kasmir said in a stern tone.

" What was wrong in saying that?They are bandits afterall!" Lynn said with a chuckle.

Suddenly, Niro spoke,

" Yeah, we have stolen many things from villages and other places we had ever raided but sorry for your disappointment, clothes were never among them. We have always sewed our own clothes. An ability that you might lack, Captain."

We looked at Lynn and chuckled.

" You didn't saw that coming, right?" General Kasmir said to Lynn, chuckling.

Suddenly, a knight arrived in the hall.

" King of Rosenburg, Aurthor Lance, has arrived!" He announced.

" Alright, fill the room with the musicians and other knights assigned for security while I greet Aurthor. Captain Elsa, come with me." King Lutkins said before leaving the room.

" See you later, Captain Lynn." I said with a smile before walking out of the room.


As I was practising archery in the training fields, I heard a horn and then sound of trumpets.

Immediately, a few knights practising in the field started leaving.

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