Chapter Two: We are rivals?

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After going through a long day of detentions and half apologize to everyone, the Kazekage finally allow me to go to the Hidden Leaf Village.

"I'm so excited!" We were almost closer to the Hidden Leaf Village.

"Y/n remember the Hidden Leaf Village is dangerous." I stare at Gaara and smile. I am happy that he cares about me.

"Don't worry Gaara. I will be fine."

"I know but don't cause any troubles."

"I won't, but I will show the Hidden Leaf villagers that we are the best village ever!!" He quietly nods before walking ahead of us. We finally made it to the gate, and while Kankuro signs us in, I started to look around. I notice this place looks familiar to me. Have I been here before? No. I know that can't be possible.

"Okay, we are ready." I snap out of my thought and then I begin to run past the gates.

"Y/n wait for us!"

Gaara Pov

"Leave her to be. She probably will start looking for us once she is done looking around."

"But Gaara, we need to stick together. We have enemies here!"

"So be it then. We can take care of them one by one. Let find a place to rest." Y/n have really changed over the years. She is finally ready to make her own decisions without me giving her an order.

"Gaara are you okay?" I shook my head.

"Let's go."

Y/N Pov

I'm bored, and I can't find the other... I wonder where they went. I should check around the inn, but knowing Gaara... they probably went to find someone... As I started to walk farther down the path, I see Gaara and the other glaring at a few people.

"Gaara there you are!!" I quickly ran toward him and hug him. The few people who were across from us stare at me.

"Y/n!!!" Kankuro yells.

"Is she a ninja?" I turn and glare at the blonde spiky-haired boy.

"Yes, I'm a ninja from the Hidden Sand Village." I notice a girl with short pink hair and a boy who have black hair that was shaped in what reminds me of a duck butt.

"Y/n, let go."

"What's your name?" The black-haired boy points to me and Gaara, and of course Temari thought it was her at first until the black-haired boy ignores her presence and continue to point his finger at me and Gaara.

"Gaara from the Hidden Sand Village."

"Y/n." His eye went widen before backing away from me.

"Sasuke, are you okay?" The girl with the pink-haired asks with a concerned expression on her face.

"Y-yeah." Gaara begins to start walking away and I follow him behind.

Sasuke Pov

That girl... It can't be... I know who she is, but why is she here? I thought she was dead...

"That was weird."

"Sasuke, it sounds like you know that girl with the h/c (hair color) hair."

"It's nothing," I said while still staring in the direction of where the girl went off to. I don't want to tell them about her.

Y/N Pov

We decided to rent a house that has four rooms for each of us to stayed in along with a living room and a kitchen. I jump onto the living room couch while the others were doing their own things.

"Finally, I can go to sleep!"

"Yeah." I stare at Gaara who leaned against the wall.

"Hey Gaara, can you train me?" He stares at me quietly.

"I train you later on this week."

"Okay," I quickly got up.

"Y/n where are you going?"

"To get foods into this house." I saw that there was a small kitchen in one of the rooms we are staying in, so I might as well get food for all of us.

"Okay don't be late."

"I won't." I smile before grabbing the key and left the house.

Sasuke Pov

I decided to go grocery shopping for the Chunin exam since I am not sure when I will have time to do grocery shopping. I walk down the aisle and stop when I saw Y/n standing in front of me. It looks like she is shopping for food too. I walk closer to her quietly while making sure to keep my distance away from her. I am not sure if this really the same person I knew. For all I know is she could be a clone or something.

"Hey, are you looking for something?" She turns and stares at me before backing away.

Y/N Pov

"What are you doing here?" I glare at the same black-haired boy that I met earlier.

"This is our village, and I'm buying food too."

"What's is your name?"

"Sasuke." I stare at him quietly. For some reason, I feel like I know him from somewhere... It was the same feelings that I felt earlier when I was at the Hidden Leaf Village gate.

"Is there a problem? You keep on staring at me." Sasuke stares at me.

"No there isn't a problem. You look interesting, and to be fair... You were staring at me too." He stares at me quietly without saying anything. This is started to be awkward. I better get going before this get even more awkward. I grab whatever was on the shelves,

"Well, I'm going to buy these things. I see you later Sasuke." I turn my back toward him and started to walk away before I stop and heard a voice.

"How are you going pay without your wallet?" I look at myself and found that I forgot my wallet... Wait... How did he know that I forgot my wallet? Was he staring at me that hard?

"Great... Now I need to go back home." I said with an unhappy tone in my voice.

"I pay." I look at Sasuke.

"Um okay... You can pay if you want, but I hope you know that I don't trust you one bit."

"Fine." I hand him the stuff I needed, and he took the stuff without saying anything before going up to the cashier and paying for it.

As soon as we both got outside, he handed me the stuff that he brought for me.

"Thank you. Now I should be on my way." I begin to keep on walking and some kids were passing by me while carrying ice cream and one of the little kids slams into me with the ice cream.

"I'm sorry." I look at the giant stain of ice cream on my shirt and Sasuke stares at me quietly.

"It's fine just be careful next time. You know if you want to become a ninja, you need to learn how to sense someone." The little kid looks down at the ground and Sasuke walks toward us slowly.

"Here." He hands the little kid some money.


"Go buy some ice cream again and get home before it gets dark. You don't want your family to worry about you."

"Are you guys a couple sir?" Wait what?! Since when did I start dating Sasuke? When I barely know him at all.

"No, we are just rivals," Sasuke said.

"Okay! Thank you so much!!" The little kid waves bye before running towards his friends. I stare at Sasuke who stares back at me.

"Let go." He grabbed my wrist,

"Waits aren't we rivals?"

"I just say that to get the little kid to go away. Anyway, would you rather go home and let your comrades see your shirt cover in ice cream, or would you rather go to my house and take a bath?" He right... What would Gaara say if he sees me with an unclean shirt not that I am worried about it, but I feel like Gaara might do something...

"O-okay" He smirks and drags me to his house.

Remember Me (Itachi x Female! Reader x Sasuke) {Slow Editing Mode} Where stories live. Discover now