Chapter Eight: Chunin Exam 3- Part One~

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I open my eyes and saw a plain white ceiling. Where am I? I sat up slowly and I see Naruto and a brown spiky-haired boy standing next to me.

"Where am I?"

"Y/n, thank goodness you woke up! You're at the hospital." The hospital... Did I pass out or something...? I thought about what happened earlier, and that was when it hits me.

 "Is Sasuke okay!?" He got bitten by that thing. Whoever that thing was... They sound like they know me.

 "He fine, but right now he is in a private room in the hospital. We are not allowed to see him at all." But why...? I need to know if he is okay. 

"By the way, this is Shikamaru." Naruto points to the guy standing next to him. Shikamaru yawns in response. 

"Nice to meet you Shikamaru."

 "Nice to meet you too Y/n."

"Y/n, you should get ready for the chunin exam. It's about to start soon." They are still going to host the exam... Hah... I guess I can worry about Sasuke later. I feel like Sasuke would be mad at me if I skip the exam.  

"I start getting ready now. Can you two leave for a few minutes?" 

 "Sure, no problem!" They both left and I stare at the white bedsheet. Did I used to be a lab rat to that thing I met earlier...? If so... Have my existence been a lie up until now? I shook my head trying to forget about what happened earlier. I need to focus! If I fail this exam, not only would Gaara be mad at me, but Sasuke would be mad at me too... 

After getting ready, I met up with Naruto and Shikamaru out in the hallway. 

"Here." Shikamaru holds out a white cup. I took the white cup and took a small sip from it. 

 "Blah! What is this?" The drink taste so bitter... Is this coffee? 

 "It's coffee. You will need it, trust me." 

"Guys let go! We are going to miss the first fight if we don't hurry up." 


  After one hour later, we all made it to the place that the exam was being held. 

"Look like we are already an hour late." 

 "Damn it! I wanted to see the first fight!" Naruto stomps his foot on the ground. 

 "The first fight?"

 "Don't you know Y/n? We are going to be fighting someone." So, that means Gaara be watching me fight someone... I didn't expect that. The big screen lights up, and that is when I saw my name appears. Is it my turn already? I just got here. 

"Y/n and Arisa Koko, please step into the arena" A girl with long blonde hair and green eyes jump in the arena. I stood there quietly not knowing what to do.  

 "Here I help you Y/n!" Naruto came closer to me.

 "Wait Naruto! Don't-" Naruto suddenly pushes down from behind making me fall into the arena. I fell with a loud thump as my butt hits the ground hard. 

 "Oww..." Everyone started to laugh at my pain, and I stood up from the ground. I am going to kill Naruto when I see him again.  

"Shall we begin?"

"Yes, Sensei!"  We both nod in response to the question. 

"Are you ready Y/n?"

"Yes!!" I didn't think I am actually ready, but it too late now... 

"Let's the battle begin." I back away from the girl who smiles. 

"Can I ask you a question? What makes you so perfect than me?" What? What is she trying to do?

"I am not perfect, so why asked me this question?"

"You're right. What makes Sasuke like you?" HUH!? Sasuke WHAT!? Don't tell me that this girl is one of Sasuke's crazy fans. 

"He is just a friend to me."

"So, he friends with a loser? Hah! Don't make me laugh! Sasuke would never choose to befriend some loser?"  I felt the inside of me snap, and I teleport in front of the girl before grabbing her neck.

"What? How did you teleport?" 

"Isn't it obvious? You should learn to keep your mouth shut. It's no wonder Sasuke doesn't even notice you. You're so focused on trying to be perfect when really you're truly a loser." Her eye went wide. I started to form ice around her feet, and I was able to let go of her neck.

"You know I can release this ice right now? This ice can blast you a hundred feet in the air. Isn't that pretty cool? Just imagine your body falling in the air, and suddenly hitting the ground hard."

"What!? That cheating!!!" I glance at the referee, and he sighs. 

 "It is not cheating, and therefore I will allow it." The girl's face started to go pale. 

"You have two choices, either you get blasted away or you forfeit the match? What is your answer?" I smile. 

"I forfeit..." The ice begins to quickly dissolve under her feet. That was too easy. 

"The winner of this battle is Y/n!!!" I walk away slowly with a smirk on my face. I hope you were watching Gaara and Sasuke. I am not weak anymore. 

After my match ended, I went up to the audience stand, and Naruto came up to me. He wraps both of his arms around my body. 

"Good job on the practice Chunin exam!" Practice... Wait... Don't tell me that this match was a practice exam!? 

"So, what happened after you win the practice exam?"

"The winner will get to move onto the real third exam. The match you were in earlier was an elimination round." Shikamaru said while staring at the arena. 


"It will be okay Y/n. You won the fight so you should be safe until the real exam."

"That not it! I want food!" I am feeling hungry for F/f (Favorite food). 

"Is something wrong with her brain?" I glare at Shikamaru.

"There is nothing wrong with my brain! I skipped breakfast, remember?!"

"There is a cafe that recently open up, so let grab some sandwiches." Naruto laughs. 

"Yes!!! See Shikamaru, at least he knows what to do when someone is hungry."

"What a drag." 

After getting a sandwich from that cafe, we watch all the fights including Naruto until finally, it was over.

 "That was awesome! I can't believe I won." We were all at Ichiraku ramen place enjoying nice hot streaming ramen. I stare down at my ramen thinking about how I didn't see Sasuke... Naruto told me that they still won't allow any visitors... Sasuke... I am really worried about you... I hope I can see him tomorrow morning. 

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