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As I finally found where Itachi and Sasuke was it was already too late. I watch as Itachi use his last move before walking close to Sasuke.

"Itachi!" I cry out hoping he hear me but he just kept on walking until he manage to get close to Sasuke. At first I thought he was gonna take out Sasuke eye but instead he didn't. He just poke Sasuke forehead and whisper something I couldn't hear before falling dead on floor.

"ITACHI!!!" I ran toward him before being stop by Sasuke who look down at me. I shook my head and push him out of way before sitting down and hugging Itachi lifeless body as Sasuke just stood there watching me with a expression that no one can even tell but why does it matter? Itachi is dead because of him! No this ain't Sasuke fault. It was my fault for not stopping Itachi and Sasuke from fighting each other. If only I could of stop them but at end I was too late.

"[Name]...." I stood up and slap Sasuke across from face.

"It not Itachi fault for what he done to the clan." Before he could say anything I hurry and teleport with Itachi body to a different location surrounded by trees. I lay Itachi on ground still mourning over his death. I wish I could of stop him from fighting Sasuke. I cry before seeing something glow behind me. I turn and see the same golden dragon? But why is it here?

"Do you want to save him?" Save Itachi?

"Yes I do want to save him." I responded.

"All you need to do is give Itachi half your power." Half of my power?

"Can I really do that?" Won't he be a threat?

"You can but on one risk."

"One risk?

"You must risk losing the sharingan and won't be able to do justu anymore."

"Wait! So I won't be a ninja anymore!?!?" the golden dragon didn't say anything just stare at me. I look at Itachi before taking a deep breath.

"I do it but I'm not doing this for myself. I'm doing this to protect the one I love and to follow my parent wishes."

"You sure? You will just become a low grade ninja not being able to do justu."

"Who care about that! I will just learn how to defend myself and even though I won't be princess of dragon at least I can be a person that will help protect my friends!"

"Is that your final decision?"

"Yes." The dragon begin to glow brighter before it was just all light.

Itachi pov

I open my eyes and stare at trees that surround me. Is this heaven? I turn to my side and see [Name] next to me. Wait [Name]!? What is she doing here!?!? I sat up and stare at her. I touch her hair as she slept. What happened? All I remember is seeing Sasuke face one last time and bright light before waking up and seeing this.

"I-Itachi." [Name] open her eyes and stare at me before quickly sat up and hug me


Your pov

"I miss you so much!!" Itachi wrap his arm around me.

"What happened [Name]?" I begin to explain to him about how I brought him back to life and he just stare at me.

"Why did you brought me back to life?"

"Didn't you promise me we lived a happy life together?" Itachi look at me with shocked face.

"You remember me?" I smile softly

"Of course I remember you and everything." Itachi look away and I can tell he is regretting something.

"I'm sorry for not telling you the truth about your parent."

"Itachi... It okay but can you do me a favor?"

"A favor?"

"Promise me we will lived a happy life together?" he smile.

"I promise." He than kiss me and I kiss back.

After the war a lot have happened Itachi told Sasuke the whole truth about what really happen and asked for forgiven which Sasuke did forgive him. I ended up not being a ninja anymore and decided to lives with Itachi. Life wasn't easy as Itachi have to be forgiven for his action and same goes for me since I did steal some scroll so at the end it took awhile but we are finally able to stay in hidden leaf village under no circumstances.

I stood in front of two grave stone and I placed the necklace on one of grave.

"Mom it look like I finally made a choice in my life even though I wish you was here I know that you are still watching me so thanks you for protecting me." I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see Itachi.

"I'm sure they are happy for you."

"Itachi and [Name] hurry up before we be late to Naruto wedding!" Sasuke yell.

"Coming! Let go [Name]." Itachi held out his hand and I took it as we walk out of house and toward Sasuke and Sakura.

Even though I lost my ninja skill I'm still happy no matter what because Me and Itachi kept our promise that we will all lived in happy life together no matter what.

Remember Me (Itachi x Female! Reader x Sasuke) {Slow Editing Mode} Where stories live. Discover now