Chapter twenty five: meeting May

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(Warning: sorta of sad that almost made me cry:(

Today is the day that I get to go on my mission sadly I won't get to see Itachi or Kisame because I'm stuck doing this.


"Y/n before you go on your mission I just want to let you know that you must study as well in order to find the scroll."

~flashback end~

"Curse you leader!" I yell knowing me everyone is probably sleeping so they can't hear me or they can't say then goodbye to me. I took a step outside the sun is about to rise and you can smell the beautiful grass it smell nice like the flowers. I begin walking away from the akatsuki base my plan is every village I pass by I need to stay for a couple hours or a night than that way I steal the scroll early in the morning it be too easy for me.

I been walking for two hours and so far no village sheesh can't I find one single village.

"Excuse me?" I look to see a little girl with long black hair carrying bucket full of apples.

"What do you need?"

"Can you buy the apple it only one penny?" I look at her red kimono it was all dirty and rip up into pieces and her face was dirty too. I grab my (favorite animal) wallet and hand the little girl some money her eyes went wide.

"Thank you miss!" She hand me her whole basket of apples.

"Please take this and enjoy!" I smile.

"You should keep it " I hand her back her apples.


"Why you ask? Well because it look like you need it way more than I do."

"Thank miss!"

"No problem." I turn and was about to walk off when someone grab my hand I look to see the little girl.

"Where are you going?"

"Um to find a village."

"But the next one is so far away!"

"Far away?"

"Yup but I know one village you can go to."


"Yup follow me." she drag me and I just walk along with her.

"So what your name?"

"I'm May!"

"My name is Y/n"

"I love your name!"

"Thank." we both kept on walking until finally reaching to a gate.

"We are here I take you to my house!" We walk in and the village was beautiful there was lot of restaurants, lot of stores and lot of inn to stay in I admit this look like my type of place to stay in. As we kept on walking I notice there was a few buildings that look pretty old and trash on ground. May stop at a alley

"Why did we stop?"

"Hey please don't hate me."

"Why would I hate you?"

"Just please don't hate me."

"Okay." she went in the alley and I follow her as we walk together I notice there was trash everywhere and I could hear the sound of crying child and the sound of people arguing. We stop at a red door that look old and can break anytime May knock on the door before opening it and I saw what look like a living room but it half torn down and there was trash everywhere.

"May is that you?" I look at the doorway entrance to see a women with brown hair and she was wearing a red apron that look pretty old

"Mommy!" May ran and hug her before handing the money to her.

"Wow honey where did you get that much money!?"

"From Y/n!"

"Y/n?" She stare at me before a smile emerged from her lip.

"Thank you for giving us the money."

"No problem Ms um."

"You can call me Yumi and no need to be polite."

"Um okay."

"I'm going make dinner for everyone May why don't you take Y/n to your room."

"Okay!" May grab my hand and drag me upstairs and I notice the stairs look kinda new why am I'm just noticing things now!?

"Here we are!" I look to see a pink door with a picture of a horse. May open the door and I saw the room was kinda messy.

"Sorry it a mess"

"No it fine hey May why are you selling apples?"

"It because we are really poor and don't have enough to pay for my brother medicine."

"You have a brother!"

"Yeah but he really sick my mother say he might not make it so I try my best and help him and my mom."

"What about your father?"

"My father left my mother two years ago."

"I'm sorry."

"It fine it nice to have a second friend all the other kids bully me everyday and sometime fight me." I felt bad for her I can tell they beat her up because all those cut and bruised.

"Can't you tell someone?"

"I don't want to make my mother worry." I hug her before standing up.

"You seen smart for your age how old are you?"


"Than go to ninja school."

"But the grown up say no people who live in the east central can't become a ninja."

"In that case why don't I teach you how to fight!"


"Yup I'm ninja"

"Thank you so much when do we start!"

"Right now let go outside."


Two hours pass by and May actually learn a few stuff that might help her with her problem.

"That was fun!"

"I'm glad." we open the door to see Yumi waiting for us.

"There you are dinner is ready." me and May walk into the kitchen and on the table was a bowl of ramen and piece of bread

"Wow it smell delicious!"

"Thank!" I sat down and took my chopstick before taking a bite out of ramen and my eyes went wide it taste so good but not good at Ichiraku ramen place.

"It delicious."


After dinner I went toward the front door I can't stay here so long right now I have a mission to do.

"Are you leaving?" I turn around and saw May.

"Yeah I have to leave there important stuff I need to do."

"But will you ever visit us again?"

"Sure." there was a loud sound before I saw Yumi running downstairs with a panic look on her face.

"May it your brother he-" she couldn't finish her sentence all she did was break down crying. I knew that he dead but maybe I could save him?

"Can you take me to him!?"


"Just do." she stop crying before going upstairs and I follow her until we stop at a blue door she open it and I saw a boy with brown hair lying on the bed and he was pale. I walk over to him and grab my kunai from my pocket before cutting my hand and letting my blood drip to his mouth I saw him breathing before I smile and than I heal him.

Remember Me (Itachi x Female! Reader x Sasuke) {Slow Editing Mode} Where stories live. Discover now