Chapter twenty four: asking him but failed

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"You must go on a mission for me." I slam my hand down in the table. Ever since that mission Pein decided that I need to learn to go on mission alone and so he sending me to a two week mission to find a bunch of scroll.

"But that seem too long."

"Sorry but in order to prove that you are not weak in the akatsuki you must go on the mission and that is my final answer."

"Ugh fine." Pein nodded and I left his office to see Deidara smiling and Sasori with a bored face.

"Look like you be gone un."

"Yeah." Sasori came up to me and hand me a bottle full of red liquid.

"In case you ever get kidnap use that bottle to poison them."

"Oh and in case they have weapon use this!" Deidara hand me a bag full of clay.

"Um thank?"

"No problem good luck on your mission un!" They both begin to walk away and I felt myself smiling in my opinion those two remind me of Naruto and Sasuke except Sasuke is worse than Sasori. I walk into the kitchen to see Kisame eating a sandwich while Kakuzu sat there drinking green tea and eating homemade cookies. I carefully snuck behind Kakuzu and grab a cookie yay!!

"Thank Kakuzu." Kakuzu glare at me and I did the most cute face before he sigh and I happily walk over to Kisame and sat next to him.

"Hey kiddo how are you doing?"

"Pretty fine."

"I heard about the mission Pein is making you do it going be lonely without you."

"I know."

"Itachi is going be sad you know."

"How so?"

"Well ever since he heard about this mission you going on he been in his room all day."


"Yeah I think he like you."

"Like me?" I never thought if Itachi that way before okay maybe a few times I have but Itachi thinking about me sound too impossible to be true than again maybe he do like me.

"Do you mind going somewhere else if you going to talk about love?"

"Sorry." I remember that Hidan told me Kakuzu is really old but he get the ladies.


"Hey Hidan how old is Kakuzu?" Hidan was throwing his blade around and since me and him was by ourselves he decided to mess up the place.

"Eh Kakuzu well he probably thousand years old!"

"Thousand year old!?"

"That right!"

"How come he look so young?"

"Because he doesn't want to change and so he use many stuff to make him young."


"Let just say he want to get the ladies."

"How he do that?"

"Think about it being young make girl fall to your knee and try to get in your f**cking pant."


"Here my stupid advice try thinking about asking him when you have f**cking love life problem!"

"Okay!" I smile.

*flashback end*

"Hey Kakuzu is it true that you get all the ladies even when you are really old and good looking and also how do you know if someone like you?" Kakuzu spit out his tea and Kisame started to laugh.

"I hate girls."

"Really? Because I bet girls flirt with you all the time."

"Who told you this!?" Kakuzu stood up and I smile.

"Hidan did." after I say that Kakuzu ran out of the kitchen. Kisame laugh so much before calming down

"Listen kiddo why don't you ask Itachi that question."

"But what if he don't like me?"

"Well at least you know and also you could continue to like him." I smile.

"Thank Kisame!" I quickly got up and ran down the hall to see Itachi room where the door was shut close.

"Itachi!" I open the door and he stood up quickly with a kunai ready.

"What wrong?"

"Um well...." so this what it like for a girl to be nervous about someone she like.

"In that case I have something for you on your mission." Itachi hold out a f/c pocket watch.

"Itachi it beautiful!"

"Hn." this is my chance to say something.

"Itachi I l-" I hear Pein calling Itachi great at this time.

"Sorry but I have to do a mission today."

"It okay I ask you when I get back" Itachi left and I just sat there my chance is ruin once again.

Remember Me (Itachi x Female! Reader x Sasuke) {Slow Editing Mode} Where stories live. Discover now