Legolas ~ I Just Lost My Everything

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Warning: Death.

Legolas and Y/N walked next to each other. Anyone could see what they felt for each other, it was radiating off of their bodies. Even though they were indeed in love, both of them were too 'noble' to have such feelings, as they say. But deep down they both knew that what they were experiencing is too different and new that it scares them. Legolas enjoyed her company, just as she did his. Sure she was ignorant and she speaks her mind tad a bit too often and some people mistake that for arrogance but he loved that about her. She was just so bold and overall a great warrior. But of course for them to be next to one another and her to fight next to him while the citizens of Rohan fled to Helms Deep, she had to disguise herself as a man. Only Legolas and Aragorn knew who she was underneath the cloak that provided her to cover up her face. It was silence between them for the moment, because both of them thought they heard something.

The shouting increased shortly after the two men ride out to discover what was ahead. Legolas briefly looked at (Y/N) and they both draw their weapons. Meanwhile the shouting didn't go unnoticed by the train. Aragorn draw his eyebrows together as the screaming continued and sprinted towards them as (Y/N) slashed the orcs throat.

"A scout!" Aragorn's eyes widen and hurried next to the king.

"What is it? What do you see?"

"Warg! We're under attack"

"Get them out of here. All riders to the head of the column." Théoden ordered.

"Come on. Get me up here. I'm a rider." Gimli said while struggling to climb his horse.

"You must lead the people to Helms Deep, and make haste." Éowyn tried to reason with her father but it was hopeless. Théoden denied her request.

Meanwhile you and Legolas stared at each other's eyes without moving. (Y/N) were the first to break the silence.

"We should go and look out for the rest of the wargs." He grabbed her hand and run to the cliff. In the horizon the rest of the orcs became larger and larger as they neared them. She give a little squeeze to his hand to reassure herself rather than him, and pull out her sword, making their hands unlinked. Legolas pulled out another arrow and place it on his bow. While he was standing confidently he was freaking out inside. An icky feeling floated inside him and slowly take over his thinking. Something was going to happen. "Whatever happens stay on the horse." Legolas said. She was clearly confused but didn't argue with him. Besides she knew that he was just trying to comfort himself.

His arrow hanged loose, her sword pointed down, they stood side by side. When the loud noise of horses peaked their ears they positioned themselves for battle. Legolas drew his arrow. Aragorn helped her up to his horse as they raced closer to the enemy. Legolas shouted over to her. "Don't die!"

Just in few seconds the loss was many. She tried to stay on the horse but it was difficult to fight like that. She jumped of the horse and charged at the enemy.

"Aragorn! Gimli!" She shouted as she fought two orcs at once. Aragorn get what she was saying and quickly grabbed a nearby spear and hit the warg. He tried to climb up to the warg that was nearing where she stood, which was close to the cliff. She slayed another enemy as Aragorn throw the orc off of the warg, just a few meters away from her. Her eyes widen as she realized Aragorn wasn't getting up to the warg, neither the warg was slowing down.

"Aragorn!" she yelled as he fell off the cliff. She tried to run to him, to make sure her beloved friend was not dead but as her first step touched the ground she felt an unimaginable pain in her back. She fell onto his knees then face down to the ground. She tried to move, but her body wasn't responding. Her vision was spinning.

She was turned to her back while someone cradle her in his arms. She reopened her eyes to look at him. She might as well tell him how she feels. That way she wouldn't have to be too embarrassed for long. Her train of thought was quickly crashed as she felt his hand on her cheek.

"You stupid girl, you stupid, stupid girl. I told you to stay on the horse. Of course you didn't listen to me. You never do."

"I guess I broke my promise." She squeaked out. "I am sorry." Her voice cracked. She couldn't felt her hands inside his once more. Only the pain that keeps on shooting from her back.

"You don't have to be. It was my fault." His tear fell to her cheek.

"I'm scared. I don't know what is beyond me and I am utterly scared." She was running out of breath. Just a few more seconds. She thought. Just a few more seconds to tell him how I feel. Just a few more seconds to feel his lips on mine. But life is cruel and she already started to slip to unconsciousness. "Legolas, I-" her breath gave up and her eyes glossed with death. Life is cruel and he felt it right in that moment.

"I just lost my everything."

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