Éomer ~ My One Dream Came True

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I walked amongst the dead, in fear of finding faces all too familiar. The blood was soaking the ground painting it in a sickening colour. The slashed bodies of men, orcs, horses and body parts scattered all over the ground making it hard to walk. Exhausted, I walked back to Gondor and sit on a rock to tend my wound. Every minute they bring more wounded soldiers and citizens. After my cut was stitched I get up to find some water. But then, I saw it.

I saw Aragorn and Éomer setting someone down and I instantly noticed it was her.

"Éowyn!" I shouted and sprinted to them and collapsed at her side. My eyes tear up as I look to my best friend for years. We shared everything, and trained side by side. We know every single secret about each other including my crush for her brother. She always said how he keeps on bragging about me and how she is certain that he loves me too.

We both wanted to fight side by side, and if necessary die side by side.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here?" Éomer seemed shocked and angered.

"That is not important. Will she be okay?"

"She will be, she is wounded greatly (Y/N)." said Aragorn in a calming voice. He throw a look at Eomer and he get up and gently touched my shoulder and then helped me stand up. Seeing Éowyn like this stressed me so much that I hugged Éomer and he hugged me back without delay. I don't know how long we've stayed that way but the entire time Aragorn chanted and pressed the wet cloth to Éowyn's forehead. I hear her panting and turned around. Her eyes switched from Aragorn to me.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay? How is everyone?"

"Everyone is fine Éowyn. We won. I am okay too, but how are you feeling?"

"A bit tired. My arm hurts but I'll live. Do you have any wounds?"

"Just a cut."

"I'll leave you alone." Excused Aragorn and get up, probably looking for his friends Legolas and Gimli. Éomer sat across me

"Show me."

"It's not that deep."

"Just show it to me." Eowyn sit up and look deep into my eyes and I glanced to Éomer. He was staring intensely to me and I gazed down on my left arm. Éomer grabbed my arm gently and pulled up the blood stained sleeve to relieve my stitches.

"See that's not half as bad as your arm." I said and smiled at her. She smiled back and let out a little laugh. I pulled my arm from Éomer tenderly and pulled my sleeve down.

"So, are you two going to explain me why you are here?" Éomer looked Eowyn to me.

"I... We..." I muttered but Eowyn stepped in.

"We wanted to defend our people. We made an oath back when we were 16. If we need to go to war, we will and if necessary we will die side by side."

"And we didn't want you to feel alone." I said and laughed Éowyn joining me.

"Very funny. Eowyn you know where you suppose to go right? The same chamber you stayed when we came 5 years ago."

"Yes, yes. Yes! Uhm I will leave you two alone now." She sawed my look of horror as she stand up and winked at me as she walked away.

"I am still not fine with you being here."

"I don't need you to be fine with it. It was something that I had to do. To make sure I keep you and Éowyn safe. I wanted to make sure that I saw you again."

"Don't forget that protecting you and Éowyn is my job." He said with a smile.

"Come on. Get up. You need to sleep." He said as he stand up and help me to get up as well.

"I don't have a room. I can stay here." I said once I was on my feet.

"Well we probably can't find a room anyway." "I'm just joking. You can sleep with me. It will be warmer, softer and I will protect you." He said and winked at me. When he start to walk and notice I was in a daze he turned and smiled softly as he held his hand out.

"Are you coming or not?" I nodded and grabbed his hand.

We walked into his room and I get out of my armour and set it aside. He too stripped of his armour. He also get out of his shirt and grabbed a new one from his wardrobe.

"Here, these will be big for you but they are clean. There is a little room in here, you can change there." He said as he give me a trouser and a shirt. He smiled at me as I thanked him and put on his shirt. After I changed he propose that he will lay on the floor but of course I didn't allow him to. (And also I like cliché)

In the morning, I find myself wrapped in Éomers arms. It was early I can assure you that. I always wake up early but what I didn't expect was Éomer being already up. He was brushing my hair and I kind of liked it. A blush bloomed on my cheeks.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." He replied in a hoarse voice.

"We should get up." I stated and he unwrapped his arms from me.

"I had the best dream, one that I would like it to come true. Did you sleep well?"

"I believe I had the best sleep for a long time." And I hopped out of the bed. I noticed our room was across Éowyn's. Éomer came behind me and we both looked over the yard.

"Oh there's Éowyn." I said but just as I was about to wave at her I saw her staring at someone. I followed her gaze and landed on Faramir. They keep staring at each other, like they were both star struck.

"They both look at each other like they are in love." I muttered under my breath.


"Yes Éomer, your sister is grown up and in love, just like me." I muttered the last part under my breath.



"Yes, I know who Éowyn is in love with, I know who I am in love with, and so who are you in love with?"

"I am not comfortable with telling you that information."

"Would you tell me if I share my information with you?"

"I guess."

"I love you."

He dipped his head and waited for my signal.

"I love you too." I whispered to his lips and with that we connected our lips.

"My one dream came true."

A/N: This one is a bit shitty sorry 'bout that.

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