Smaug / Part 1 ~ Do You Need Help, Milady

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A/N: The first two parts are mainly the backstory. I would suggest you to read them because they will get you in the mood but if you want to the romantic stuff happens in the third part so you can skip to there.

The moon light shine upon the keyhole and Bilbo looked at me his eyes wide open just like mine.

"The key hole! Come back! Come back!" he screamed to the void of the stone staircase I sighed softly as he spoke furthermore

"It's the light of the moon! The last moon of autumn!" he looked at me and laughed and start to look around for the key.

"Bilbo, I don't think they heard you. I fear they are already gone."

"Then we'll finish the task. Now where's the key? Where's the key? Where's the...? It was here." He murmured the last part in disbelief

"Come on, it was... it was here. It was just..." he turned expeditiously and the clank of the metal hitting the rock echoed. My eyes widen as the key made his way to the cliff when a big boot stepped on one of his strings. Our eyes turned to Thorin and he picked the key cautiously. He held the key up and the company start to appear on the small clearing.

Thorin insert the key, twist it and then pushed the rock until the door moved away. Our access to the mountain was now open. Thorin looked inside in awe.

"Erebor." He mumbled quietly.

"Thorin." Balin said in a shaky voice. Thorin held his shoulder and stepped inside.

"I know these walls. These halls. This stone. You remember it Balin. Chambers filled with golden light." With every sentence he walked further in and Balin stepped inside the mountain.

"I remember." He said and the rest of us start to fill in. Bombur turned and start to read the inscription above the door.

"Herein lies the Seventh Kingdom of Durin's folk. May the Heart of the Mountain unite all Dwarves in defense of this home."

"The Throne of the King." Balin add after seeing Bilbo looking at the carving in the middle of the inscription.

"And what's that above it?"

"The Arkenstone."

"Arkenstone." Bilbo repeated. "And what's that?"

"That, Master Burglar is why you are here."

Balin dragged Bilbo away, but me being curious I followed them.

"You want me to find a jewel?" Bilbo asked, surprised

"A large, white jewel. Yes." Balin confirmed.

"That's it? Only, I imagine there's quite a few down there."

"There is only one Arkenstone and you'll know it when you see it."

"Right." Bilbo said after Balin and I stepped up.

"In truth lad, I do not know what you will find down there. You needn't go if you don't want to. There's no dishonor in turning back."

"No, Balin. I promised I would do this and I think I must try." Balin let out a soft laugh.

"It never ceases to amaze me."

"What's that?"

"The courage of Hobbits."

"And what about elves." I said and stepped out of the corner.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"

"I was hired to protect Bilbo. I am doing my job. And I thought that searching a large room full of jewels might be too overwhelming for only a Halfling."

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