Thranduil ~ I Still Love You

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"Good morning (Y/N)." Legolas said to me.

"Good morning Legolas, how was the patrol? I want that spider nest to be gone."

"We are working on it. You're coming tomorrow right?"

"Oh no I don't think so. I think I have injured myself while running around."

"We're going to miss our best fighter."

"You sure get a lot of fun while killing things."

"Foul things, and by the way, while we are talking about foul things, how is your father?"

"He's good. He is still the king. I like him more when you are around."

"Legolas, why do you say something like that?"

"He is always much more calm, and happy, and smiley while you are around." This little information made butterflies flutter in my stomach. A slight blush crept up to my cheeks.

"Really? Well I don't think he would like me in his presence right now. Maybe a couple of centuries later?"

"Oh come on (Y/N), you are like a mother to me, everyone likes you in Mirkwood, some of them even more than the others." He said with a wink.

"Legolas Greenleaf, what are you implying?"

"Nothing, nothing." He said and hold his hands up in defeat. "Well I rather go, I need to do... stuff." He said and sprinted off.

"Good to seeing you (Y/N)! And get well soon." he shouted from his behind.

A goofy smile spread on my face as I made my way to my home. The night came closely after and my eyes fell droopy. My mind was still racing and the butterflies were still flying whenever I think about Thranduil. He and I, we have a history. He was the prince and I was a guard. His father never really let us get in touch, so we kept it cool and quiet. The king never suspected anything. He was my love but his father had another plans and made him marry a royal elf. I always kept a brave face, until she got pregnant with Legolas. I cared for Legolas like he was my child. After she died I take care for Legolas, that's why we are very close. But much to your surprise, I and Thranduil never really get too close. When one of us tried to make a move the other one would take a step back.

I wake up with a loud knock on my door. I slept like a log. It is probably 11 am right now. I throw the covers off and sprinted to the door. To my surprise it was Legolas.

"(Y/N) I have good news." He said with a bright smile.

"What have you done again Legolas?"

"Nothing! Just talked to my ada." (Dad in Sindarin but I am sure you know it already)

"Would you like to come in?"

"No, I must go into the woods but before that my father aspires you to join dinner tonight. And he sent these." He said and pushed a bouquet of flowers in to my hand.

"I- Uh-" I stuttered then cleaned my throat. I looked down to hide my blush a bit. "Send thanks to the king for his pleasant surprise and tell him that I'm looking forward to the dinner. Now go, we don't want our petrol to be leaderless do we?" I said and shut the door.

"I'll report you on the patrol, and on my father." He said and I heard his running. I sighed and looked down at the flowers. It was beautifully made, probably he made one of his maids to do it perfectly. He used to suck at forming a bouquet, but I actually liked it when he was doing it himself. But then I found a card inside of it.

'Looking forward to see you in dinner.' It was his own handwriting, which meant he put his time to write a message.

I leaped up and went to my wardrobe. The sight was disappointing. I had absolutely nothing to wear in an occasion like this. It was full of pants and shirts. When Thranduil get wed I throw every single one of my dresses. So I choose the classiest looking trouser and a flowy top to look sophisticated and elegant.

The moment of truth. I was about to step into the dining room of the king but I suddenly got scared.

'You can do this.' I thought and opened the doors.

"Ah (Y/N)! Glad you made it." Thranduil said and turned his face towards me. He had a lovely smile on his face.

"Good night (Y/N). How are you doing?" Legolas asked me and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you prince Legolas, My king, thank you for inviting me over. Sorry for the inconvenience of my clothes."

"No need to worry (Y/N), and put aside those stupid titles, shall we?" He said smiling and pointed to the table.

The dinner was lovely but halfway through it Legolas excused because he had 'important matters to attend'.

So there I was, dining alone with Thranduil. But every good thing have to come to an end. I stood next the door and looked into his eyes.

"It has been so long (Y/N). Too long." He said and reached for my hand.

"Yes I agree." I said and looked down.

"I hope you could always join us in dinner. Legolas adores you. And I, indeed, very fond of you." He said making me blush. "I missed you."

"Me too."

"Do you remember our life before?"

"It is hard to, but yes I do. I like those memories." The little segments of my life passed in front of my eyes. Him kissing me for the first time, us camping and looking into the stars in the woods, our first exchange of 'I love you'

"I wished we could relive those memories again." Thranduil stepped closer. He was just inches away from my face. He was slightly bending his head, which made us very close.

"I never wanted it to come to this. I never wanted to let you go. It was possibly the worst mistake I've done." He muttered. My eyes locked in with his.

"I want to be yours again. I missed you so much." I whispered. He leaned in and out his hands around my waist. My hands travelled from his chest and then to the sides of his face and we kissed. We kissed for all the lost time, for the sake of the old memories and for the hope of making new ones.

"I still love you."

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