Sam ~ You Can Ensure It With A Kiss

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A/N: This one is shorter than normal. Sorry about that! WHat should I do next?

You pulled your coat tighter around you, and pulled the cape further down on your face. You sighed in content when you approach to your hobbit hole that you share with Sam. You knocked the door and wait for Sam to open it. The door ripped open and two strong arms pulled you in. Sam take your basket from your hand while muttering:

"The weather outside is awful, I should've gone instead of you. You are going to catch a cold."

"Sam it's okay." I said with a smile.

"Okay I am going to take these into the kitchen you go and change into something warm."

I nod and go into our shared room, changed into warm clothes and towel dry my hair. I put on a blanket and let my hair down. I walk inside our little kitchen and stopped immediately when Sam turn around and his eyes go wide.

"You aren't wearing any socks (Y/N), are you trying to get sick?" He told you and run out of the kitchen and come back with a pair of fluffy looking sock.

"Put these on." he said and go back to what he was making in the kitchen.

"Hmmm it smells good. What are you cooking?"

"Chicken with some potaytoes and some nice salt for seasoning. Plus you favourite soup to warm you up" He said hovering over the pot and turn to give you a soft smile.

"Can you steer this for a minute I'm going to chop some carrots" I paddled to the pot and continue on stirring the soup while Sam chopped the carrots.

"So how's Mister Baggins' garden? Everything alright?"

"Oh yes, I've planted some new flowers to brighten up the garden. I want Mister Baggins' garden to be the best in all Shire."

"It already is. You are his gardener, no one can compare to you."

"No one compares to you." Sam said as he wrapped his arms around you tightly, bringing me closer to him. A light blush creep its way to my cheeks.

"Come on now the chicken is almost ready." he said and turned around leaving me craving hos body warmth.

We put the soup and chicken on their plates and make the table. The dinner was lovely. Like every other meal we have together we have fun and fill our stomachs with nice and hot food.

The night was almost ending. We cleaned the kitchen and the table and sat on the couch near the fire. But suddenly Sam was on his feet.

"Sam, honey, where are you going?" I called after him, curious what made him this exited.

"I have a present for you!" He said after and come back inside with his right arm behind him. When he was close enough he extended his arm to reveal beautiful lilac coloured flowers.

"I've picked these by myself. They were pretty and they made me think of you."

"Oh thank you Sam. I loved it." I say and take the bouquet.

"They won't die quick like the other flowers." He added and smiled softly at you.

"Did I told you how much I love you?"

"You can ensure it with a kiss."

A/N: so guys I want to get closer to you and i want this whole little Tolkien fan group of ours to be a chill out and no-offence zone so i want to make a chat group. If you have a kik add me: thranduils_bitch. If more than 1 people contact me i will open a group

A/N 2: if you are reading this in the future please note that i want to talk to you too so don't hesitate to give it a shot :)

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