Bard ~ I Am Not The Kind To Break My Promises

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I was suddenly pulled to the balcony by Bard after he said he would kill the dragon before he could kill us.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) listen to me. I want you to look after Tilda and Sigrid. Make sure that they are safe."

"Bard!" I called after him. Bain stopped at the middle of the stairs. Bard sprinted to me and stand in front of me.

"You're going to come back right?"

"I promise." He said and caressed my cheek.

"Go." I said and he nodded. I opened the door to get in and look at the back of Bard.


The ride with Tauriel was scary as hell. The corpses fall from houses into the water, burning, screaming and drowning. It was as if we were sailing in a sea of dead. As we were in safe, and the night was coming to an end after the terrible screams and the last roar of Smaug, we start to put up tents. I wanted to look for Bard but someone told me to tend the patience. I was in one of the said tents to look after the wounded. Tilda and Sigrid wanted to look around for familiar faces. I told them not to go very far, and if they hear or see their father I told them to let me know. The hours passed and I didn't hear a single thing from them nor their father. But suddenly loud shouts, cries and all kinds of noises start to raise. There must've been something. I looked at the baker who was now sound asleep and get up. I started to make my way to the massive crowd. Almost everybody from the Lake-town surrounded something or someone.

I heard Bards voice and his speech with Alfrid. He sickened me. I hated everything about The Master, Alfrid and their man, but Bard's attitude was very true. I heard Tilda Sigrid and Bain talking with their father.

Soon enough, before I could reach Bard, people start to push and pull me apart.

"Ladies first darling." Said a man and lifted me up to set on a boat. I glared at him and after the boat was full the journey to Daín started. I tried to look for him after we set our feet on the ground but the luck was not by my side. I slumped, started to walk around the town aimlessly. What I am going to do? My home is burnt down. Lots of the people I know are either dead or badly injured. Where I am going to sleep tonight? I don't know this place. Am I going to survive this?

"Where is (Y/N)?"

I snapped out of my train of thoughts as I heard my name being called.

"I don't know Da. I haven't seen her since she was looking after the wounded." Sigrid answered. I was in a place totally unrecognizable. I didn't know where to go or which turn to took.

"Hey, did you saw (Y/N)?" Bard asked another one. I tried to go to the sound of his voice. I ran and took the left turn to see him standing with the baker.

"Bard!" I smiled as he turned to me, his face washed over with happiness and relief.

"Oh (Y/N) I was so worried!" he said as he ran to me stopping in front of me.

"I tried to search for you but before I could they called me in to tend the injured ones and then I tried to find you before we set off to Daín a-" he cut me off with a kiss.

"Bard, I-"

"Do you love me too (Y/N)?" I nodded and look down at our pressed bodies.

"Then I don't need to hear it." He said and kissed me again.

"I am not the kind to break my promises."

A/N: I feel like with every part I write my quality decreases. I will try harder next time but just bare in mind that I find that writing about Aragorn, Bard and Frodo much more diffucult than the others.

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