Kili ~ Pretty Lady

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You've know the company for all your life. They were practically family to you. Especially the Durins kin. You were best friends with both Kili and Fili. You spared with them, run and played jokes all over the town. And inevitably Thorin finally asked you to come with the company. As much as Thorin knows that you can kill anything in a second, and he did not doubt your bravery, he wasn't sure that you should come. After all the begging from the boys he gave in, but in one condition: One of the brothers have to keep an eye on you all the time. Kili almost instantly said he would and Fili swore he would check on you every now and then.

You've just met your burglar, Bilbo or to put in Thorins way 'the hobbit'. He is not really warmed up to Bilbo but you were kind and understanding towards that little fella. You sit by the fire and called Bilbo over for chat while eating dinner.

"You know I really appreciate that you don't call me 'the hobbit'. It's actually quite uncomfortable to be called like that." Bilbo liked to open up to you 'cause he knew that you would understand him.

"I don't really like them calling you that too. But don't worry, they will eventually warm up to you."

"God I hope so. Else, it would be one dreadful journey." He chuckled a bit and slurped his soup.

"You know lot of us actually quite like you I mean Bofur is just a friendly person and Bombur is a kind dwarf, Oin, Gloin, Ori, Nori, Dori is pretty much don't care that you are a hobbit and they believe at what Gandalf says. Balin is always like a grandfather so you know. And Fili and Kili just waiting for playing a prank on you."

"I heard my name!" Kili shouted on the other side of the fire and you just smiled and waved him off.

"What about Thorin and Dwalin?" Bilbo asked quietly just when you turned to answer him you saw at the end of your eye Kili shot a wink at you making you blush and smile.

"They just take their time to trust someone. Sometimes it could be a little difficult but ı still think it's a good quality."

Bilbo caught the sight of you and Kili and saw your blush.

"So are you and Kili..." he trailed off and before you can shush him Kili came and sat down right beside you.

"Me and (Y/N) what?" he asked with an innocent look on his face. Like he didn't know. Bilbo's expression quickly turned from curious to 'are-you-figgin'-kiddin'-me' to a blank expression and he get up.

"Uhm I- I have to umm talk to Bombur about umm this soup! It is deliciously balanced I need recipes!" he expressed, his voice getting higher with every word. He cleared his throat give you both a nod and leave.

"So what were you talking about me, pretty lady?" Kili asked you and you turn your body to him. Gulping another spoonful of soup you said:

"Nothing, just talking to Bilbo. I was telling him everybody is warming up to him. Just slowly." You said smiling to the ground and trying to hide your blush, not daring to look up to his eyes. He scoffed.

"You warmed up to him a bit too quickly." He said with a hint of jealousy.

"What? I think he is lonely and there is nothing to dislike about him!" you said a bit louder than you wish.

"Hah then I better bring him back don't I?" He said and started to get up, but you hold his arm.

"Why? I like your company a little better than his." You said and almost smacked yourself because of it.

"Really?" he said and you throw a quick look on him and back to the ground.

"Yeah I mean you are funny and also you are a very good listener too. You know me way too well to my own good, you always have something interesting to say and not to mention you are very good looking." 'oh god you' thought and keep on talking. "We were always very good friends-"

"No" he said. Your heart broke as you thought that indeed he doesn't like you back and also he doesn't think you are good friends.

"No?" You question. Your eyes go up to his own chocolate brown ones and you saw that he didn't look stern or angry , but with full of love and a bit of determination.

"No." he said this time a bit softer and leaned closer to you. "No I don't want to be 'good friends'. I want to be the one who wraps his arms around you when you sleep, or-or kiss you unexpectedly. 'good-friends' just isn't what I feel when I look at you." A soft smile crept up to your lips as some blush and leaned closer to him, your noses almost touching.

"May I kiss you?" he asked softly and you gave out a small nod. He took your chin in his hands and gently pulled you in. your lips touched, it was soft and quick but full of adoring. You laughed aloud and hug him and he pulled you to his lap kissing all over your face. The company was grinning and giggling -something very odd amongst the dwarves- and you heard a couple of 'I told you so's. A couple of sachets of money tossing around. You even saw Thorin smile at your way and throw in a chuckle and a wink before turning and talking to Dwalin.

That night Kili made his bedroll right next to you and made you fall asleep on his arms. Just before drifting off you heard Kili mumbling in your hair:

"Good night, pretty lady."

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